[CC] Mandalorian Training - Omega


Active member
Apr 24, 2013
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Why are you blaming yourself? >_>.. Anyways, onto the training.

What is your purpose here? u.u. Why do you wish to be a part of the Mandalores?
Cuz it is man. LMFAO

Everyone calls me Teno Jr for a reason. >_>. Seeing how I have not managed to drop this bio I think it is time I finally embrace it. I shall carry on Teno's legacy and bring the Mandalores back into glory. Everyone talking about these other clans but I'll help bring us to the top. U_U


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
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You reply way too quick z.z

It's your fault now u.u. You should have made it light weight. Now run around this ground 100 times as the punishment for ignoring us Mandalores u.u and then do 100 push ups with the armor on..

Should be hell for you. Or easy.


Active member
Apr 24, 2013
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You reply way too quick z.z

It's your fault now u.u. You should have made it light weight. Now run around this ground 100 times as the punishment for ignoring us Mandalores u.u and then do 100 push ups with the armor on..

Should be hell for you. Or easy.
Making up for all those lost months/years
But But...oh hell. I run around the area with this heavy armor. Poor ventilation and all. Still wasn't as bad as my tai training with that evil Priest but this was still pretty bad. Once I finish the laps I collapse on the ground and try to lift myself up. It takes awhile but through grit determination and ninja steroids I complete 100 push ups. >_>..I then throw up and reflect on my crime of ignoring the Mandalores. ;_;.....


Active member
Apr 24, 2013
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Good boy, now channel your chakra throughout your armor and tell me how you feel. Oh and don't forget to clean up that puke >_>
I do as instructed and I begin channeling chakra into my armor. Terra closes his eyes and begins to focus. This feeling as unusual. It was powerful yet comforting.

"I feel at one with this armor. I feel power within me."

This would have been a flare for the dramatic had he not been moping up puke while he said this.


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
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-Chakra Sensing: The Mandalorian armor's helmet contains special chakra receptors that allow the user to gain spacial awareness of nearby chakra. This acts as a sort of rudimentary chakra sensing. The user cannot differentiate between different individuals chakra or elements and even assessing chakra levels is very difficult (chakra sensing drains 5 residual chakra points from the user per turn and its activation counts as a move). However, this basic chakra sensing is secondary to the main ability given by the chakra receptors in the helmet which is to monitor the users own chakra flow. The armor can alert the user about any alteration to the chakra flow through visual, auditory or tactile stimulus throughout his body. If the user so wishes, the user can release himself from the genjutsu with a sort of kai but without a hand seal, disrupting the chakra flow by having the armor "jolt" his own chakra flow (30 chakra cost, works on illusions up to A-Rank, usable once every 3 turns, counts as a move).

Analyze the entire thing. Perform the activation, tell me it's strengths and weakness. Also includes the Genjutsu part.


Active member
Apr 24, 2013
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-Chakra Sensing: The Mandalorian armor's helmet contains special chakra receptors that allow the user to gain spacial awareness of nearby chakra. This acts as a sort of rudimentary chakra sensing. The user cannot differentiate between different individuals chakra or elements and even assessing chakra levels is very difficult (chakra sensing drains 5 residual chakra points from the user per turn and its activation counts as a move). However, this basic chakra sensing is secondary to the main ability given by the chakra receptors in the helmet which is to monitor the users own chakra flow. The armor can alert the user about any alteration to the chakra flow through visual, auditory or tactile stimulus throughout his body. If the user so wishes, the user can release himself from the genjutsu with a sort of kai but without a hand seal, disrupting the chakra flow by having the armor "jolt" his own chakra flow (30 chakra cost, works on illusions up to A-Rank, usable once every 3 turns, counts as a move).

Analyze the entire thing. Perform the activation, tell me it's strengths and weakness. Also includes the Genjutsu part.
Using my chakra I activate the chakra receptors in my helmet. I can view my own chakra flow and view the chakra of others. All of the systems seem to be in perfect order.

"Well yeah there Is a lot of upside. Most obvious is chakra sensing. That is useful in any situation whether it is used to find intruders, or avoid attacks you can't see with your own two eyes. The genjutsu counter is also helpful but you can't use it for a period of time after it is used. You wouldn't be able to rely on this to differentiate between a friend or ally's chakra If you were (for example) in a smokescreen. So it is helpful as it won't allow to be completely blind to the enemy's intentions but it is not something that can be heavily relied on like a byakugan."


Active member
Jan 5, 2012
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*Appears right behind you*

Heyooo. I'll be taking over your training, terribly sorry for the delay. So, since you've been promoted to Mandalorian Warrior, in addition to the concepts we'll be discussing that my friend Sebastian listed earlier, we will also be going over level one Body Stimulants, along with setting you up with your personal Owl Squadron. Are there any questions or concerns you have with what you've been taught so far? If not, let's pick up right where you left off. You understand the chakra sensing well, so the next ability down the list is the jet-pack:

Mandalorian Armor : Armor Activation | Rorian'āmā: Āmāakutibēshon
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Weapon
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: All Mandalorians have a basic armor, the armor they are given when they are first inducted into the clan. A members armor is special: It's designed for them by the leader of the clan. The Mandalorian armor is beyond the technology the rest of the world possesses. Even though all armors look different the abilities they posses are the same. As the member grows stronger he gains access to more of the technological advances, having his armor "upgraded". The armor has 2 sets of abilities: passive and active (that take up a move slot and do damage). The armor, being specifically made for the individual is perfectly in sync with his/her chakra system, it flows throughout them and their armor. This was the technological breakthrough the enabled the armor to function as a second skin for the ninja. Not only does it allow complete control over the armor through chakra pulses and chakra control but it also allows the user to release techniques that would otherwise be released from his skin or his mouth, etc from the armor, something that negates any limitation to the users ninjutsu usage, specially elemental.

Passive Abilities:
-Basic Protection: The Mandalorian armor is made of strong materials and infused with chakra, granting it resistance against weaker attacks. Free form Ninja tools and explosive tags, bladed weapons and attacks that do no damage (N/A) as well as simple taijutsu attacks (C rank) have no effect on the armor. The protection allows the user to remain undamaged for the most part when facing said attacks but cannot negate momentum or kinetic forces.
-Gas Mask: The Mandalorian's helmet protects them from harmful gases, toxins or airborne pathogens. The helmet contains a breathing apparatus that filters harmful external agents in the air, allowing a degree of protection against said agents by purifying the air. In the case of enemy techniques, this protection works up to C-Rank techniques.
-Communication: The helmet contains a communication device linked to all other Mandalorians which uses chakra to transmit messages through great distances. It can even project images that the users sees.
Body Armor
-Heat/Cold and Electrical Protection: The Mandalorian armor, being infused with chakra and made from strong resistant materials protects the user from taking damage from high and low temperatures and electrical damage up to D-Rank. The armor cannot be short circuited but will face normal damage from anything above that rank, with temperature based attacks behaving normally (melting the armor if hot enough or freezing it if cold enough), same as it would with the users body, and lightning based attacks cutting through it.

Active Abilities:
-Enhanced Vision: The Mandalorian armor has a special visor that is powered by chakra, that enables the user to gain an advanced vision that can mimic the motion tracking speed of a 1 Tomoe Sharingan. Beyond the motion tracking abilities, the user gains the ability to see the world through a sort of thermal vision, based on the infrared spectrum. This also allows a limited form of night vision (its use drains 5 chakra points per turn and its activation counts as a move).
-Chakra Sensing: The Mandalorian armor's helmet contains special chakra receptors that allow the user to gain spacial awareness of nearby chakra. This acts as a sort of rudimentary chakra sensing. The user cannot differentiate between different individuals chakra or elements and even assessing chakra levels is very difficult (chakra sensing drains 5 residual chakra points from the user per turn and its activation counts as a move). However, this basic chakra sensing is secondary to the main ability given by the chakra receptors in the helmet which is to monitor the users own chakra flow. The armor can alert the user about any alteration to the chakra flow through visual, auditory or tactile stimulus throughout his body. If the user so wishes, the user can release himself from the genjutsu with a sort of kai but without a hand seal, disrupting the chakra flow by having the armor "jolt" his own chakra flow (30 chakra cost, works on illusions up to A-Rank, usable once every 3 turns, counts as a move).
Body Armor
-Chakra Jet Pack: The Mandalorian armor has a small group of chakra vents throughout the armor. The jet pack uses chakra from the armor's wielder to create controllable jets which can be used to dodge techniques, boosts ones taijutsu or simply achieve flight. The flight is controllable and highly maneuverable though only slightly faster than the users own base speed (drains 20 chakra points per turn, activation counts as a B-Rank move, requires conscious control through mental commands). The addition of taijutsu damage is possible by selectively activating the users peripheral jets in specific points of his movement and according to various situations, capable of adding +10 damage to a taijutsu move and a sudden drastic increase in speed by spending 20 chakra points. To dodge a technique, the user can release a quick directional burst of chakra that can propel him a short distance (Up to 5 meters) in a single direction, achieving a simple linear dash (30 chakra cost, counts as an A-Rank move).
-Vibration Sword: a retractable, short ninjato blade, strapped to the armors back, the sword uses the wielders chakra to create high levels of vibration and use that to increase physical damage. As such, when uses, physical Kenjutsu techniques gain +10 damage. The sword drains 10 chakra points per turn when active.
-Armor Strengthening: As the whole armor contains various chakra motors and enhances, the user can charge the whole armor with chakra to temporarily boost his physical abilities, namely his speed and his physical strength. Being mechanical in nature, the armor can only focus on either speed or strength. This can be done in 2 levels: Level 1 increases speed in 50% or adds +10 damage to all taijutsu. Level 2 doubles the users speed or adds +20 to the users taijutsu. The limitation is the duration and chakra cost. Level 1 drains 10 chakra points per turn, lasting a maximum time of 3 turns, usable thrice. Level 2 is usable only twice, drains 20 chakra per turn, lasting 2 turns.

Note: In the abilities where its not stated, there is no move cost per activation
Note: The armor is in everything like a CW, having to be posted in the users bio and in the beginning of the fight.
Note: Each clan member has an armor which different looks but all have the above abilities

Tell me of the advantages and disadvantages that come with using the jet-pack, along with its sub-abilities in a battle. Be thorough with your explanation - in what situations do you see yourself using this most often?