The Summer Court (283)


May 28, 2014
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The Summer Court

Cùirt an t-Samhraidh, the Summer Court, seat of power for the Seelie Fae, neutral ground for the six great Clans of Tírnan, and home to the Faeking, Oberon. Admittedly smaller than the Winter Court, the Summer Court is a luscious forest on the edges of the Monks' territory whose state is ever trapped in a cycle that alternates between summer and spring. When matters regarding the Fae arise they will gather in the Summer Court and offer council and advice with the Faeking. The Court itself is a sight to behold, vibrant hues that put even the exotic depths of Eamhna to shame, with life seemingly diverting it's attention here to the Court itself.

All eyes look to the Court to guide them through these troubling times, as the Queen is absent, leaving the Winter Throne unattended. Many believe she was not present during the Cataclysm that saw them traverse worlds, leaving the future of the Fae in the hands of Oberon. Known as the Child King and Child of the Forest, it is said he came into this world with the crown already resting atop his head. Though he is King by right by virtue of being born into the rare King Clan, many see him as a petulant and petty ruler. Whether or not he can help steer the Fae of Tírnan through the trials to come is a topic of extremely cautious debate.

Deep within the depths of the Summer Court, hidden by a glamour of Oberon's own design lies the massive abomination of pulsating purple and red flesh known as the Heart of the Titan. It is similar to the Grotesque Growth except it is significantly larger. Trees grow natrually around it, making space for the massive heart but never touching it. It is unknown how the Heart found its way into the hands of Oberon, but regardless, it's still a powerful object worthy of attention and apprehension in equal measure.

As a part of the Fae Domain of Tírnan, any and all attempts to perform Jutsu and techniques that seek to directly influence, alter or draw from the land are met with immediate failure. These include altering the environment with Earth, Water and similar Elemental Releases, as well as the gathering of Natural Energy, for Modes like Sage Mode and Dokkodo.
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Mar 12, 2014
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Coming from [x]

Merlin could feel the pull at its strongest here. Something hummed from within the seal branded on his body, perhaps his own weapon. He had yet to identify what caused it.

He continued further, traversing the dense woodland that had overtaken the land over the course of a great many thousands of years. The thick canopy choked any light that would threaten to touch the ground, allowing only slivers of warmth into the ocean of trees. Clearly, there existed nothing that would significantly interfere with the growth of the trees, creature or natural phenomena. The magus' eyes scoured the darkness of the forest, his body following the pull but his mind painfully conscious of any potential threat. He could almost imagine whispers. The brush of leaves against his skin like the caress of something unseen, hiding in the shadows. Were it not for all he had seen in his centuries-long life, he would swiftly banish such a notion from his mind.

"At long last..."

After hours of stumbling blindly in the darkness of the Cedar Forest's depths, he could hear something. Following the source of the sound, he could see something. Light. More light than he had seen since entering the forest. He followed it too, growing brighter in his eyes. His pace quickened, striding eagerly towards it.

And there it was.

The heart in the eye.

It was at once grotesque and marvellous. It towered above the incubus, trapped in an otherworldly cage made from the very tree that was invading this world. Invading his body. He inched closer, a hand outstretched, the physical pull from within his seal and the desire to touch it now indistinguishable.
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Jan 24, 2013
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Coming from [x]

Merlin could feel the pull at its strongest here. Something hummed from within the seal branded on his body, perhaps his own weapon. He had yet to identify what caused it.

He continued further, traversing the dense woodland that had overtaken the land over the course of a great many thousands of years. The thick canopy choked any light that would threaten to touch the ground, allowing only slivers of warmth into the ocean of trees. Clearly, there existed nothing that would significantly interfere with the growth of the trees, creature or natural phenomena. The magus' eyes scoured the darkness of the forest, his body following the pull but his mind painfully conscious of any potential threat. He could almost imagine whispers. The brush of leaves against his skin like the caress of something unseen, hiding in the shadows. Were it not for all he had seen in his centuries-long life, he would swiftly banish such a notion from his mind.

"At long last..."

After hours of stumbling blindly in the darkness of the Cedar Forest's depths, he could hear something. Following the source of the sound, he could see something. Light. More light than he had seen since entering the forest. He followed it too, growing brighter in his eyes. His pace quickened, striding eagerly towards it.

And there it was.

The heart in the eye.

It was at once grotesque and marvellous. It towered above the incubus, trapped in an otherworldly cage made from the very tree that was invading this world. Invading his body. He inched closer, a hand outstretched, the physical pull from within his seal and the desire to touch it now indistinguishable.

Merlin would feel that same continuous pull at every fiber of his being. It was drawing him towards this horrific organ for an unknown purpose, and yet he couldn't pull away least of all for the sake of his own twisted curiosity. Inching closer to the Heart, it was strange. Life could flourish here, and yet nothing could grow within several feet of this monstrous biological structure, not even the Void Tree. All growth, all life, while extant, stopped the moment it drew near to the Heart. Branches and vines containing the essence of the Void formed around it, unable to cling to it's form, so instead created an interwoven mesh-like wall around it. Was it protecting the Heart? Coveting it for itself? Trying with every ounce of strength to invade it, failing to do so due to some unknown force? The answer was unclear, and yet the Magus still thought it wise to draw ever closer. With a hand outstretched, would he be afraid? Shivering in anticipation? Joyously ready to experience the unknown? One thing was certain. The source of the pull was not from his seal...

In an instant he found his hand pulled, forcefully, towards the heart, making direct contact with it, that pulling sensation intensifying to the point of causing extreme agony which overwrit the shock and surprise of the act itself. He found himself unable to pull away, yet unable to draw any closer to the Heart, his hand sinking into the flesh and yet it continued to tear at his form, pulling him, crushing him into a tight embrace. It had only been mere moments, and yet the pull of this force was tearing him apart. At the same time, he felt another force, one from within himself going in the same direction but composed a distinctly opposing force. The Heart was pulling, and an intense power, located on his left shoulder, was pushing, specifically against his form. Something was seeking to push itself out of him! Was the heart pulling it out? Was it the Void Trees roots? There was no time to think as waves of pain surged through his body, wreaking havoc on even the Incubi's sturdy biology. His flesh twisted asunder as grotesque sounds filled the otherwise peaceful corner of the cedar forest. There was no mistaking it, the seeds that had taken root within him were reacting. What this meant for him was a mystery that wouldn't remain for long as seconds later a bright, all-consuming light burst forth from his back, as he was forcefully ejected from the Heart, sent tumbling several meters away...

Shadows formed in spaces where originally there were none, even beneath the canopy of the cedar forest. They twisted and inverted as a sea of violet and scarlet energy violently swallowed what little remained of the sun's presence within this sacred space. Everything looked the same, was the same, but off ever so slightly. Flora retained their shape, but had the pale pallor of death clinging to their form. The ground was as sturdy as every, yet every crack and change in elevation was accentuated with heavily contrasted shadows. Even the air, despite being breathable, held a certain weight that forced Merlin to have to consciously focus on the act of breathing. Everything was the same, except for... A shadow, no, a person stood before the Heart where he was just moments ago. Clad in black and purple, wielding a sword of unfathomable power, there before him stood... An impossibility once more. Yet again in front of his very eyes stood Artoria, but like all things now, different. She held the same face, the same hair, the same eyes, but they were devoid of their life and vibrance Merlin was accustomed to. Everything was pale, or shared a ill-looking golden hue. But it was unmistakably Artoria. Her armor and famed blade that he'd looked upon with reverence many a time, the spitting image of the perfect King, corrupted and dyed a jet black. Her imposing form stood before the heart, hands rested atop her sable saber.

"Merlin...? Hmph."

The air grew dense as she expelled an unknown, dark energy at the sight of the Magus of Flowers. It was plain from the scowl on her face that she was not pleased to see him. The reason didn't matter, nor did she show any desire to give it, such was her right as King. Taking her right hand off the blade, she grabbed the hilt, and in one fluid motion, tore the sword from it's place embedded in the earth, and held it out to the side, the authority of the action only overshadowed by the sheer weight of the blade. It hummed with an otherworldly tone, discordant and deep, resonating with the world around them in conspiratorial tones, hushed whispers of treachery and despair.

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"Tell me Mage, how does a traitor like you live with themselves?
How do you dare to show your face, after all you've done?"


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points

Merlin would feel that same continuous pull at every fiber of his being. It was drawing him towards this horrific organ for an unknown purpose, and yet he couldn't pull away least of all for the sake of his own twisted curiosity. Inching closer to the Heart, it was strange. Life could flourish here, and yet nothing could grow within several feet of this monstrous biological structure, not even the Void Tree. All growth, all life, while extant, stopped the moment it drew near to the Heart. Branches and vines containing the essence of the Void formed around it, unable to cling to it's form, so instead created an interwoven mesh-like wall around it. Was it protecting the Heart? Coveting it for itself? Trying with every ounce of strength to invade it, failing to do so due to some unknown force? The answer was unclear, and yet the Magus still thought it wise to draw ever closer. With a hand outstretched, would he be afraid? Shivering in anticipation? Joyously ready to experience the unknown? One thing was certain. The source of the pull was not from his seal...

In an instant he found his hand pulled, forcefully, towards the heart, making direct contact with it, that pulling sensation intensifying to the point of causing extreme agony which overwrit the shock and surprise of the act itself. He found himself unable to pull away, yet unable to draw any closer to the Heart, his hand sinking into the flesh and yet it continued to tear at his form, pulling him, crushing him into a tight embrace. It had only been mere moments, and yet the pull of this force was tearing him apart. At the same time, he felt another force, one from within himself going in the same direction but composed a distinctly opposing force. The Heart was pulling, and an intense power, located on his left shoulder, was pushing, specifically against his form. Something was seeking to push itself out of him! Was the heart pulling it out? Was it the Void Trees roots? There was no time to think as waves of pain surged through his body, wreaking havoc on even the Incubi's sturdy biology. His flesh twisted asunder as grotesque sounds filled the otherwise peaceful corner of the cedar forest. There was no mistaking it, the seeds that had taken root within him were reacting. What this meant for him was a mystery that wouldn't remain for long as seconds later a bright, all-consuming light burst forth from his back, as he was forcefully ejected from the Heart, sent tumbling several meters away...

Shadows formed in spaces where originally there were none, even beneath the canopy of the cedar forest. They twisted and inverted as a sea of violet and scarlet energy violently swallowed what little remained of the sun's presence within this sacred space. Everything looked the same, was the same, but off ever so slightly. Flora retained their shape, but had the pale pallor of death clinging to their form. The ground was as sturdy as every, yet every crack and change in elevation was accentuated with heavily contrasted shadows. Even the air, despite being breathable, held a certain weight that forced Merlin to have to consciously focus on the act of breathing. Everything was the same, except for... A shadow, no, a person stood before the Heart where he was just moments ago. Clad in black and purple, wielding a sword of unfathomable power, there before him stood... An impossibility once more. Yet again in front of his very eyes stood Artoria, but like all things now, different. She held the same face, the same hair, the same eyes, but they were devoid of their life and vibrance Merlin was accustomed to. Everything was pale, or shared a ill-looking golden hue. But it was unmistakably Artoria. Her armor and famed blade that he'd looked upon with reverence many a time, the spitting image of the perfect King, corrupted and dyed a jet black. Her imposing form stood before the heart, hands rested atop her sable saber.

"Merlin...? Hmph."

The air grew dense as she expelled an unknown, dark energy at the sight of the Magus of Flowers. It was plain from the scowl on her face that she was not pleased to see him. The reason didn't matter, nor did she show any desire to give it, such was her right as King. Taking her right hand off the blade, she grabbed the hilt, and in one fluid motion, tore the sword from it's place embedded in the earth, and held it out to the side, the authority of the action only overshadowed by the sheer weight of the blade. It hummed with an otherworldly tone, discordant and deep, resonating with the world around them in conspiratorial tones, hushed whispers of treachery and despair.

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"Tell me Mage, how does a traitor like you live with themselves?
How do you dare to show your face, after all you've done?"

As his hand moved closer to the heart, something drew him closer. It happened too quickly for him to resist, and he was swallowed at the wrist by the gargantuan growth. He raised his other hand, grabbing his forearm in an attempt to wrest it free, pulling with all his might. To no avail. Grunting in exertion, his expression was marred by pain and fatigue as the heart continued to pull his body into its own mass. A sudden pressure began to act on his body, distinct from the heart itself. At least, it felt so. Drawn into the heart, and at once being pushed away, his bones creaked under the strain. He was immortal, but not invincible, after all. "Gh!"

He could feel it, through the pain, the source of the other force acting on his body. It was something inside him. Before he could piece it together in his mind, it whited out as the pain reached its apex. Stunned by his expulsion from the heart, he groaned as he sat himself upright, his vision blurred and the world shaking around him. Never mind the visual changes to his environment, its very atmosphere was different. But none of those things were quite as striking as the sight he beheld right in front of him. Guarding the heart, hands rested atop the handle of the sword planted firmly in the ground, was... Artoria Pendragon?

She raised her obsidian sword, as if preparing for battle, prompting Merlin to remain on guard. Unlike her prior manifestations, her disgust was plainly apparent. It practically oozed from her words, like the vile miasma emanating from her body. Merlin, however, could not help but voice amusement at the irony of the scenario. "Hah... right now, you are the spitting image of Vortigern. To model yourself after none other than the Usurper, and condemn me as a traitor? It's too much, if you don't mind me saying." the incubus chuckled wryly.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
As his hand moved closer to the heart, something drew him closer. It happened too quickly for him to resist, and he was swallowed at the wrist by the gargantuan growth. He raised his other hand, grabbing his forearm in an attempt to wrest it free, pulling with all his might. To no avail. Grunting in exertion, his expression was marred by pain and fatigue as the heart continued to pull his body into its own mass. A sudden pressure began to act on his body, distinct from the heart itself. At least, it felt so. Drawn into the heart, and at once being pushed away, his bones creaked under the strain. He was immortal, but not invincible, after all. "Gh!"

He could feel it, through the pain, the source of the other force acting on his body. It was something inside him. Before he could piece it together in his mind, it whited out as the pain reached its apex. Stunned by his expulsion from the heart, he groaned as he sat himself upright, his vision blurred and the world shaking around him. Never mind the visual changes to his environment, its very atmosphere was different. But none of those things were quite as striking as the sight he beheld right in front of him. Guarding the heart, hands rested atop the handle of the sword planted firmly in the ground, was... Artoria Pendragon?

She raised her obsidian sword, as if preparing for battle, prompting Merlin to remain on guard. Unlike her prior manifestations, her disgust was plainly apparent. It practically oozed from her words, like the vile miasma emanating from her body. Merlin, however, could not help but voice amusement at the irony of the scenario. "Hah... right now, you are the spitting image of Vortigern. To model yourself after none other than the Usurper, and condemn me as a traitor? It's too much, if you don't mind me saying." the incubus chuckled wryly.

It would seem Merlin didn't quite understand the gravity of the situation. Had it been so long since he'd been taken seriously by anyone that he'd forgotten how to extend that same courtesy? Had he completely forgotten who was standing before him? They were his "perfect ideal King". The young woman into whose ear he whispered thoughts of grandeur. The woman he raised to be King. Now he played the part of court jester, not trusted advisor? Would he not give her the respect she was due as King? Truly, his treachery knew no bounds. It would seem he truly abandoned her and Camelot on that day, as she suspected. Her stoic facade remained the entire time, even as he dared to compare her to the usurper Vortigern. Normally such a comparison would anger her, but upon realizing the man she knew was naught but a lie, another of his cheap illusions, a fabrication forged to achieve a similarly cheap end, she let the insult pass. For she was a merciful King.

"I suppose it is for the best. No words from that forked tongue of yours will never amount to more than hollow lies."

And she would bestow upon him yet another mercy. That of atonement for his original sin. Drawing her blade back in her right hand with the tip still pointed at him, her other hand palm open in front of herself aimed squarely at Merlin, the air itself began to whip and cry out in pain, yet there was no accompanying action. The grass beneath their feet, and the heavy canopy above their heads began to sway and buckle and bend, yet the cause wasn't visible. Perhaps he'd recognize it, perhaps not, but as Artoria thrust her sword in his direction, the same phenomena would occur in reverse, the grass whipping about in a frenzy, the trees trunks screaming in agony, but whatever action accompanied the thrust was entirely invisible. Perhaps it was a warning, or perhaps she meant to kill him with the strike outright. Regardless, she was indeed here to exchange more than passive aggressive words and thinly veiled threats, and no words from him could convince her otherwise. This was a long time coming...

(Fūton: Atsugai) - Wind Style: Pressure Damage
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 100
Description: The user does the Ram handseal and inhales, kneading his chakra into his lungs, exhaling a huge blast of wind that levels anything in its path. Can cause major damage and requires a sufficient chakra level to perform. This large wind blast moves in tremendous speed and cannot be controlled. If the user gets caught in it, it will harm him also.

Official Challenge: Artoria, Sword of █████████ vs Merlin, Magus of Flowers.​
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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Previous post.
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Scout potential threats (2).

Musashi continued on, until, eventually...the storm broke. Rather, that's to say, it seemed like Musashi had found a clearing, or the eye of the storm, so to speak, as she could see the storm wall raging all around her. Actual sunlight filtered through, and the clearing she found herself in was mostly serene. She dripped - actually, the water practically poured off of her, but the warm sunlight was already attempting to dry her off.

But, despite the tranquility, it did not appear safe to be here. Musashi could sense two souls, in an aberration of sorts - and the tremendous light of conflict ahead. Part of her wanted to investigate, but even more than the lightning burst she saw when she found Mirabelle earlier...well, Musashi felt trying to get near whatever was going on there would be a horrible idea.

Further, there was an...unsettling sight here. A strange monolith of pulsating red and purple flesh stood in a clearing ahead, and the same gray thick roots jutted from the ground, surrounding it like a bird-cage of sorts. The forest around here was denser, where the winds and rain were not quite so destructive, but even so, this strange abomination seemed to have a clearing around it all its own.

Musashi ventured slightly towards the strange creation. She took a moment to update her maps and notes with what she had been through so far, and recorded this strange opening and the thing at its center, but then quickly put them away.

Almost without realizing it, Musashi had drawn Myōjingiri, and it was cloaked in a shroud of Senjutsu (Dokkōdō: Kakusu Shinjitsu ) - The Alone Way: Hidden Truths. She had held some trepidation before about cutting through these veins before, and only just found herself stopping short of attempting to cut through whatever the...cage was, around this fleshy thing.

Despite her unease, she sheathed her blade. Something like this would not be wise to toy with, not unless she could learn more. She might return here later, but for now...she wanted to clear out. Whatever this was did not seem good, and perhaps was tied to the conflict going on.

Tightening her cloak and hat to her and making sure her notes and map were properly shielded from the elements, she ventured back into the storm.

Leaving Landmark for the Greater Stormlands (281).


Jul 12, 2009
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Coming From Ishkur's Ravine (273) | Anime Forum (

Susabi arrived at the flesh mass in the middle of the forest clearing. Its position was in stark contrast to the mass seen in the Grotesque Growth. The vegetation around it remained alive, as if the mass of flesh, that was significantly larger than the one seen on the other half other island, belonged there. The very vines and roots that impaled the growth on the other side of the island just formed a cage around it. Encasing it. Thinking back to what he witnessed at the crater, he started to ponder. It was a crater. Likely caused by the impact of it landing on the ground from some amount of distance off the ground. Even how the roots were impaling the growth seemed unnatural.

His attention returned to the mass in front of him. Why weren't the roots piercing this mass? What makes it different besides its size? Susabi walked around the mass and examined it with his Byakugan. He truly didn't know what to make of it. What did this all mean?

Susabi took a couple steps closer to the cage of root and vine that encased the towering mass and used Heaven Carver to cut at the cage of vines in an attempt to get closer to the mass.


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Susabi attempted to make his way through the vines but as he cut through the will of the void tree filled the gaps that he made.
It seemed to be resisting. Susabi sheathed his blade and placed his hand on his chin, rubbing it while he was deep in thought. He backed away from the mass of flesh and sat down.

He stared at the gargantuan mass in front of him. Well, whatever happened here and in that other place has certainly peaked the interest of this strange place. Susabi said to himself before rising from his seated position, grunting as he does so. Man, Susabi is getting ol- Susabi caught himself and slapped his forehead. It seemed the feline still had an effect on the way how he thought. He sighed.

Susabi will keep an eye on this place. He muttered to himself as he looked around. There was still much to explore in the Outer Lands and he had to figure out his next move.
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Jul 12, 2009
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As Susabi pondered his next move, he began to look around at his surroundings with his Byakugan. Off in the distance, he spotted a familiar chakra signature, next to one large unfamiliar one. Using his telescopic vision, he zoomed in to get a visual on the individuals. Susabi's eyebrow furrowed before uttering the name. Madara... Why was he not surprised that he'd be somewhere in the Outer Lands. He had much to discuss with him since their last encounter. Some positive, most negative. He watched intently from this distance.

The Heart continued to throb next to Susabi. It's beat as steady as ever, filling the forest with its thumps. Quite the "natural" wonder.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
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Coming from [x]

They took a shortcut towards the mouth of the Titan only to discover an anomaly. Without time to examine it fully this time they continued north towards the sea.



Jan 24, 2013
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Delegate Post - Chronicles of Kamiyasumi 2: O̵̬͇͈͚͈̘͆̆̅̔̏͘͜͜͝ͅberon

High pitched squeals and rapid chitterings woke him from his elegant slumber. The Fae King rose to greet a new day with all the grace and poise expected of the King. No sleep clung to his eyes, nor did he appear any less prepared for the day from his time in a crumpled yet still dignified position upon the Summer throne. Sitting up Oberon straightened out his robes, and brushed a stray strand of his luscious verdant hair from his sight. With a stretch the King welcomed this new dawn with his customary greeting.

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"Ahhh, yet another beautiful morning. It's so peaceful... And so boooooooriiiiiiiing... Where's the fun in just sitting around all day?
I wish more of those humans would visit. It's always fun with them around..."

While he was pouting, he once again heard a screech and a small chitter which broke the King's concentration. He looked to his sides and saw some of his subjects; many of the weaker insectoid Fae he was charged with ruling. They clung to his form, wormed through his hair, hovered in the air around him. He had half a mind to squash every one of them, maybe their dying sounds would be fun... Thankfully the other half of his mind recalled that they were his subjects, and what was a King without those beneath him? Well, in his case he would still be king, as the forest itself ordained him as such, but the point stood. He needed subjects, so killing them on a whim wasn't very nice.

"Well good morning everyone. Who told you you could lay a single wing or foot upon my Throne or person? Was it the Queen? Has she returned?!" Sad squeals told him no. "Oh well, no matter... I forgive you all this time, but next time I'll crush you without a second thought." He said with a genuine, honest smile on his face. Why are you all here anyway? What's that? You're all dying of boredom too? I know, why don't I tell you all a story, that always cheers you all up!!" Happy cries cheered out. "How about the tale of the One Eyed King? Actually never mind, that one's way too boring. We'd all wither away like that old boring idiot before I finished... Hm. What about the one the old bear had? The tale of first humans from beyond Albion? Ash and Ember I think their names were? Actually, that one didn't have too happy of an ending either... Hm... This is difficult...."

Oberon looked off into the sky, lightly tapping his chin as he wondered what kind of tale he would enjoy telling. Then it hit him. He would simply relive one of the worst and yet best days of his life. He gathered his tiny friends close, and cleared his throat. Then with all the theatricality he could muster, channeling William Shakespeare himself, Oberon told the tale of the Fae's first interactions with the humans of this world.

"Once upon a time..."

The Cataclysm had devastated the planet. Massive swathes of the mainland had been destroyed when the moon was destroyed by a piercing light. With nowhere else to turn, the refugees of the world looked to wherever they could. Some joined the Remnants of the Freehold, some with the hope of exacting revenge, some in an effort to preserve Humanity's presence in the former Freehold, and others out of a desperate desire for security. Whatever their reasons, they turned to humanity. Others found prosperity within the domains of the newly birthed Gods, Aureliana and Archelirion. Whether it was to seek safety beneath such awe-inspiring beings, a longing for the prosperity they once had, or simply out of a defeated desire to succumb to their rule. Whatever their reasons, they turned to the Divine. Finally there were those who didn't care for either. They would forge their own path. This last group of refugees heard about the excursions to the recently discovered "Outer Lands". An expedition that saw humans discover and explore this new and strange land. Many left behind smouldering piles of ashes, with only the clothes on their backs as their last remaining worldly possessions. They spent weeks at sea, assaulted by the waves and some even being attacked by unknown monsters from the depths. Then they saw it. Paradise. Seemingly unspoiled by the Cataclysm. Oh how joyous they all were. Except Kamiyasumi was, arguably, the most affected by the Cataclysm wrought by the universe itself.

On that day, a terrifying, amazing thing happened. A shard of mighty Eanna fell from the heavens, large enough to threaten even the Monks in their little huts with annihilation. They thought they were done for, but fate had other plans. The moment the shard touched the land, instead of destroying it, it awakened the energies in the roots of the Void tree, activating their limitless potential that had spread out through most of Kamiyasumi. In collaboration with the Grotesque Growth, the Heart of the Titan, and finally the abnormality that was Last Shadow, the land itself was swallowed not in destruction, but a planeshift of unfathomable proportions. One forest gave way to another, and here we now stand. But yes, I know, I know, this is supposed to be the tale of our first meeting, is it not? Don't worry, I'm getting there... And what fun we have had in this land.

Now, their firsts steps on this land were not the easiest. The humans who had arrived here first left them with huts, and a wall with some rudimentary weapons on it. It would be an insult to civilization to call it a town. Now, one of these humans, a large strapping man who's name I cannot possibly recall as I never cared to learn it had the wonderful, amazing, fun idea of taking some of the strongest men, and entering the woods. A dozen or so of humanity's finest survivors. And this is where we all come in, isn't it? Many of our people watched with their hearts aflutter. We hadn't seen humans in centuries back home, so this was all so exciting. We all wondered what kind of tricks we could play with them, what games they might enjoy. Oh how distracted we all were by thoughts of fun and games...

And when we weren't looking, these humans, these guests in our home, did the unthinkable. They started to cut down our trees. Dig up our land. Our home, our world. We were nothing but a resource to these people. From that second on, there was no going back. As of that first swing, they were sinners one and all. Some Fae tried to reason with them, but they were swatted like, er... Well, they were murdered in cold blood. And the humans continued like it was the most natural thing!! The gall!! The Unseelie wouldn't stand for it, and sadly I cannot blame them... What happened next? Well. Sad as it is to say with the death of our kin and all... But it was the most fun we as Fae have ever had. These humans came into our home and took without giving. They murdered and slaughtered our kin. As is our custom, we gave back. And the Unseelie were the most skilled at returning humanity's cruelty. They weaved their magics, and had their fun. Oh how they giggled and laughed as the humans screamed, torn limb from limb by the Unseelie. How their organs danced at our kin's touch. Their intestines hanging from our branches as decoration to celebrate our meeting and our parting. How they were still screaming, even when they were torn to shreds, thanks to the tricks of our mischievous friends. Living while dying. What fun and merriment they had on that day. And when we were done? We did as we have always done. Followed our rules. Gave back. Their bodies given back to the land they so callously stole from. The land they wounded so thoughtlessly... May their sins be forgiven in the next life, for we have none for them in the here and now.

To this day the peoples of the human settlement, this "Port of Dawn", search for their missing friends and loved ones. Even as their walls tower over our forests, we do not care. Our message was delivered and received in time. These forests are ours. We will not suffer further loss. Those who enter this realm of the Fae seeking to harm it, or it's peoples? They will be shown no mercy.

"Well, that was fun. Now we just need to figure out what to do for the rest of the day... "

Oberon slumped in his throne, the petulant child King of the forest once again slipping into torpor, and slumber from sheer boredom.

Maybe it was about time he made his own fun...