Games made worse by updates


Jun 11, 2020
Trait Points
Recently Gears 5 updated their game significantly while some are pleased for me it killed the game's appeal which was mostly rooted in nostalgia for series to begin with.

I'm curious are there any games out there you enjoyed for awhile, but after a certain update they lost all appeal to you?
What about the update caused your loss of interest?

As mentioned my big one is the Gears series, Gears 5 recently buffed PvE players across the board which to me trivializes the game and thus making it vastly easier was a serious detriment for me personally as I don't see the point of playing a game with instant win buttons. The characters were never really balanced with a few outliers before that gave you the ability to sidestep the game by simply spamming certain things, but since the update they not only buffed some of the already best characters in the game, but they made new characters vastly overpowered as well as introducing a mechanic that has caused petty squabbles in Gears 3 and Gears 4 where anybody can build and upgrade anything. With certain fortifications being better kept at a low level due to power conservation reasons allowing people to upgrade them creates unsustainability and there is now way to downgrade anything couple that with an extremely petty and troll ridden community not only is the challenge gone, but you've added known issues from previous games to one with plenty of it's own.

Outside of that not an update persay, but anything past Super Smash Melee never appealed to me with the casualization of the series intended to eliminate gaps between skilled players and unskilled ones it lost it's appeal. Casuals still played the game with their friends and if you expect to be viable against dedicated opponents then it should be expected that you're similarly dedicated.