[CSC] Custom Summoning Contract - Barnacles


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Jun 22, 2012
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Summoning Animal:
Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract:

Summoning Boss if existing:

(Kuchiyose : Oregon) - Summoning : Oregon
Type: Summon
Rank: S
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
The User bites their thumb and wipes it on their tattoo, performing a string of three hand seals and then slamming their hands on the ground which creates a couple metre tall tornado of water with 1 metre diameter anywhere within mid-range except around the opponent - this is harmless and purely cosmetic the water disappears and reveals the summon. The Summon is basically a very large amount of ordinary sized Thoracica type barnacles clumped together to form the shape of a human of average size - but the mastermind of these Lesser Barnacles is the Boss of the Summoning Contract and he is able to command them to do his bidding, 'Oregon' the Barnacle Boss resides in the Head of the man representing the brain and in form he is a very large Barnacle that has outgrown it's shell and so is protected by the other Shells. Oregon has a greater intelligence and is basically the one whom trained the first Barnacles passing down his knowledge. He can talk or communicate mentally to the Contract signer.

Oregon is a Taijutsu Specialist and he has the ability to perform Taijutsu of up to A-Rank and gets a +10 Damage boost because of his extremely hard body. Since his body is made up of many thoracica type barnacles which have their tendrils also spread out through the body to keep together - means he can be pretty versatile. He can pull apart his own body (except the head) to dodge oncoming attacks like punches or swords and then quickly clamp it shut again, the tendrils of the many Barnacles stretch to allow him to separate his torso or other sections so that he is not hit. When Oregon clamps shut like this, it is strong enough to snap a blade and so can crush bone pretty easily whilst at the same time Barnacles detach from inside his body and attack onto the limb of the enemy if he decides to let them free. The Barnacles that are left on the opponent's limbs can be then set up for the Barnacle Jutsu, "Body of the Thoracica". Oregon can also use this to stretch his limbs or body, making them much longer so he can punch and kick much further, or to further ensnare an opponent. He has one final use of pulling his body apart and that is to be able to completely cover his opponent with his body of barnacles and slowly crush him, this however takes about two turns to actually do some critical damage and it basically becomes the opponent's armour; if Nagashi is used on them it wouldn't be effective and would crush the opponent much faster due to the contraction caused by paralysis.

Oregon has the ability to change his body structure further by changing from a man to a four legged creature very quickly, the only reason he does this is to close distance between his opponent and can do so pretty fast. When running on all fours like this he can close the mid-range gap in seconds but it still trackable and when he goes to attack he quickly changes back into a Man to fight.

He also has a very strong Defense, being made completely out of Thoracica Barnacles it's like being a Walking Piece of Armour, he acts like the S-Rank Earth Hardening Technique in strength except B-Ranks and below have no effect at all. Unless it is Lightning then this immunity only extends to C-Rank and below. He also cannot be effected by Genjutsu of any kind as other Barnacles in his head will take the effect instead of him and because there are many that form the head.

- Oregon can use "Body of the Thoracica" on any Acorn Barnacle on the Field
- Oregon separating his body to dodge attacks costs a Move (not if he's doing it to stretch his limb further to attack). He can use this to dodge small scale jutsu as well.
- Oregon changing in the Creature Form to move faster costs a move, changing back doesn't.
- Oregon can only be summoned Once per fight
- Oregon can only last 4 turns on the field
- Must have signed Barnacle Contract
-Approved :

Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:

(Kuchiyose : Bānakuru-wan) - Summoning : Barnacle Bay
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
The user can either do the normal summoning method or bite their thumb, wipe it on the summoning tattoo and then slam the ground. These are Acrothoracica type barnacles and they are summoned into the ground where they burrow into it, creating thousands of little slits in the earth all up to the max of Mid-Range all around the user. This summon uses its tendrils by sticking them out of their burrowed homes and anything that brushes passed they sense, sending the information back to the contract signer(s) of the disturbance in that area, their tendrils can be damaged but they usually retreat into their burrows if anything damaging starts to spread across the ground (like fire) and when it has dispersed they reappear. These barnacles disallow the opponent from using any jutsu using chakra that come from the ground up to A-Rank in their vicinity because they now have complete control of the earth stopping any chakra from above the surface.

- Can only be Summoned Once
- Lasts 4 turns on the battlefield.
- If the Opponent uses an S-Rank Earth Jutsu from the ground it is weakened to an A-Rank.


(Kuchiyose : Fujitsubohantā) - Summoning : Barnacle Hunters
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
The user makes 2 hand seals and swipes blood across their barnacle tattoo, they build up a large amount of water in their mouth and shoot it out as a harmless torrent of D-Rank water which would have a group of barnacles that would hit target and attach onto the part they were hit on (the torrent may be harmless but it still pushes the opponent back as it has a little force). Barnacles don't have to be summoned this way, they can be directly summoned onto the User. After the Barnacles Attach to the opponent and use their feather like appendages to beat against the air, manipulating the wind and creating currents that push the opponent towards the user or a desired direction which would also surprise the opponent and can stop them from performing a hand seal - the wind has great force and is like a stream which will push the enemy continuously until the barnacles stop. Barnacles MUST be attached to the opponent to do this the wind causes no damage and cannot be avoided with the Barnacles attached to them.

The Barnacle Hunters also have an ability when they are attached the the USER, they are capable of doing the same thing that can be done with the opponent - pushing them in a direction using the wind, however it's usually for their benefit. of course the continuous wind blast costs a move and can be stopped at any time with the user's will, also the barnacles can maneuver the user in a way which would be very similar to floating/flying, capable of changing direction mid-flight. If they so wish they can make a sharp direction change whilst flying, which would send the user in another direction suddenly costing a turn. They also have another ability to add Wind Chakra into techiques done by the user, meaning they will get a reduction is chakra used by the user (Wind Technique's chakra cost is halved), and they do not have to be stuck the user for this - they can be on the field (like if they missed attaching to the target).

These Barnacles are of the Thoracica "Acorn" kind and have a Calcite Shell so they cannot be killed or removed by simple blades, the opponent can't even cut off the section of clothing they are latched onto as they are actually pressed up against their skin through the clothing using chakra. B-Rank or below elemental ninjutsu cannot break through the shells bar lightning, which is only C-Rank and under, However Paralysis techniques like Nagashi does not affect the Barnacles and they will remain latched onto their opponent - Barnacles cannot be paralyzed.

- Continuous Wind Blast costs a move
- Sharp Turn Maneuver Costs a Turn, though Flight is Passive once Continue Wind Blast is activated once.
- Must have signed the Barnacle Summoning contract and be taught by LonelyAssassin
- Can only be summoned once
- Stay on the field for four turns
- Approved

(Kuchiyose : Barbaracle) - Summoning : Barbaracle
Type: Offensive / Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short / Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
The user will perform the ordinary summoning technique or swipe blood on their Barnacle tattoo and summon a tornado of water 2 meters high and 1 meter in diameter on the field within mid range (Similar way "Oregon" is summoned onto the field, water tornado is purely cosmetic) revealing Community of Barnacles that have already made a Piece of Rock their home, work together to become a monstrous creature. It's made up of two rocks, the larger one being the torso and the smaller one being the pelvis area, connecting the two would be regarded as their stomach area connected through the binding of many Barnacle tendrils to become this thick, strong flesh. Barbaracle also has arms and legs made of the strong, thick flesh and at the end of this thick flesh are claws made of Steel which they can use to slash at the enemy with their feet or hands, the barbaracle has four arms altogether. The Barbaracle has a head too which also has steel claws, it is about the size of the average human, just wider.

The Barbaracle is a Water User, capable of expelling torrents of water from it's arms and legs, the water will seem to leak from between their flesh like tendrils to become the torrent of A-Rank water which counts as a move - Barbaracle can split the power of the Water torrent if he wants to shoot it simultaneously from each limb (B-Rank each from two, C-Rank each from four, B-Rank and two C-Rank for 3). The water can even be used in such a way that when Barbaracle is standing they can expel the water from their legs to propel them upwards, however this can only be done if in contact with a surface, if angled correctly he can propel forwards quickly. Even though they are water uses, the earth they made their home can be used as protection like an Earth technique of A-Rank and lower, however they cannot repair it as they do not have an earth affinity. The Flesh can be cut like ordinary Human skin.

Because the Barbaracle is made up of many barnacles, at the end of each limb there is a barnacle which is used as an eye, there is also one in the head. These can be used to Barbaracle's advantage, however when the water technique is used they cannot see until the water subsides, of course they can't see if they're covered up (for example the eyes on the feet will be covered up when standing). The Barbaracle is a Soldier of the Barnacles, there are many Barbaracles that make up the Barnacle Army and another can be summoned if one were to fall in battle and so their special ability is that another Barbaracle can be summoned again later.

- Must Wait 2 turns before summoning Barbaracle again
- A-Rank Water Blast Counts as a move
- Steel Claws are Freeform CQC weapons
- Lasts four turns on the field
- Approved :

(Kuchiyose : Chinmoku, yūrei) - Summoning : Silence, the Spectre
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Silence is summoned by wiping blood on one's Tattoo or by performing the normal Summoning Technique, however this is followed up by a very subtle 'finger to the lips' whilst whispering 'shh' - This is purely cosmetic and does not need to be performed, it's more of a tradition. Silence is also a Community of Acorn Barnacles which are made up like Oregon and Barbaracle. However each Acorn barnacle is connected through it's Tendrils to another on the opposite side of where it reside on the body, through this link the Barnacles produce Hexagonal Shapes which mirror what the other is seeing on the opposite side - giving the effect of Active Camouflage all over the body of the Summon. The Summon will look practically invisible from those with normal eyesight.

The Invisibility loses it's effect in close range of any opponent, his invisibility kind of distorts the background and scenery only slightly, and since Silence is only really effective in close range since he doesn't have any range abilities this can be a big disadvantage. Also Summon can get residue/dirt/something on him which would give away his stealth - Though the invisibility projections have a protection against anything of D-Rank and below, if anything of a higher rank were to be 'spilled' on them then it would show. To fix this the Summon would have to deactivate and reactivate the Invisibility, basically 'reset' it which after deactivation would mean they'd have to wait a turn before being able to reactivate. Upon Activation of Invisibility the summon will use their Chakra to produce 'Placebos' all over the battlefield that move unpredictably - These will only be seen and sensed through those with the Dojutsu as they will be the only ones capable seeing this chakra being intentionally manipulated in such a way, this means that even Dojutsu and Sensory users cannot pinpoint the exact where about of Silence.

Finally the Offensive Use of Silence is not his Prowess in Just Remaining Unseen, but to dispatch his enemies. If Silence were to carry his weapons they would be seen on his person under the invisibility, they do not 'merge' with him. This means that he has to keep his weapons somewhere else, Silence hides his weapons inside his body, beneath the Invisible Cloak between all the tendrils of the Barnacles. He can freely unsheathe his forearm blade which comes out of the top of his hand out as two sharp blades side-by-side with a small gap between the middle - The blade is about 8 inches past the knuckles of the hand, making them fatal. Also Silence can freely throw Flat Knives which he pulls from his body and throws, however the Knives don't remain invisible and can be clearly seen. If he wishes the user can give Silence Tools which he will hide in his body to use later - If so it will look as though the Tools given disappear in midair.

Every Barnacle has a Calcite Shell, this also means the same for Silence, however because the Acorn Barnacles do so much work manipulating the way his body works his armour is weak. The Calcite Shell that protects his flesh and "brain" equate to that of a C-Rank which is neutral to the elements, except lightning which is strong against the Calcite Shell meaning only D-Rank will be enough to break it.

- Silence moves Silently Passively.
- Invisibility Activation Costs a Move.
- The user can have Silence be Invisible on arrival, this will cost two out of the three moves.
- Silence is Summoned in Short range of the user.
- Summon Lasts 4 Turns on the Field
- Can only be summoned once per battle, thrice per event
- Approved :

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Contract Arts

(Fujitsuboātsu : Thoracica no bodi) - Barnacle Arts : Body of the Thoracica
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
All "Thoracica" Type Barnacles can use this, manipulating their shells so that the essentially grow and they become spiked like many needles are protruding from them and this just makes their body more dangerous so they cannot be touched by enemy hands. They can then manipulate to form ninja tools or weapons; small tools like Kunai and Shuriken can be made in singles, Senbon can only be made in threes - since these shells can only be manipulated to an extent, once the form is taken it cannot be changed and they cannot create large tools like swords etc. The barnacle usually creates these tools for the user but they can launch them towards enemies at short range as well if need be. The Launched Shell Tool can stand up to all elements up to C-Rank except from lightning which it can only withstand up to D-Rank as it can easily pierce and shatter it.

- Can only be used by Thoracica Type Barnacles and not contract signers or other barnacles without shell.
- Tools aren't spiked when created
- Must have signed Barnacle Summon Contract
- Can only be taught by LonelyAssassin
- Approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu : Thoracica no bodi) - Barnacle Arts : Legs of the Thoracica
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
A Thoracica Barnacle or even a Acrothoracica type Barnacle will focus chakra into their tentacle like limbs, fuelling them with strength and making them much longer and stronger. The limbs will now be capable of stretching up to 5 meters and grabbing a hold of a target that the user wishes for the summon using this jutsu to. Because this is the fleshy part of the barnacle, it isn't as durable as the shells, but because of the extra strength put into the tendrils they can at least with stand B-Rank elemental attacks.

This can be used by up to a group of four Thoracica or Ancrothoracica Barnacles, however the power would be split between each barnacle that used the technique. For example if "Barnacle Bay" performs this jutsu then from each slit in the ground would be C-Rank tendrils from four different locations that could grab onto the opponent. The tendrils can also grab onto nearby tools or be used as transportation if the Barnacles are capable of moving (unlike barnacle bay as they are embedded into the ground) by grabbing onto something and pulling themselves closer.

- Any Thoracica or Acrothoracica type barnacles can use this
- No Barnacle arts in the same turn
- Grown Tendrils last for 3 turns
- Approved :

(Fujitsuboātsu : Gajettofujitsubo) - Barnacle Arts : Gadget Barnacle
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: N/A (+15 for summoning)
Damage Points: N/A (+30 Bomb-cle)
The user will click their fingers and summon what seems to be a generic Acorn Barnacle about they size of a coin in their hand, this isn't a summon and just a barnacle art that the user can use. The user can throw this Acorn Barnacle onto a target and it will permanently bind to it as long as it is solid (Person, Summon, Rock etc), the Gadget Barnacle has a number of effects and can only use one.

The Trackercle Gadget Barnacle when successfully landing on it's target will be capable of feeding back their location to the user, sort of like sensory but only on one specific object. The Trackercle can be removed through the use of full body surges as it will become ineffective at that moment.

The Bomb-cle is basically an explosive device that can be exploded at any time, before sticking to a target or after it. It creates a C-Rank explosion with a radius of 2 meters, the explosion isn't enough to kill and only blow the opponent away and cause minor burns. It has the same power as a C-Rank Fire Technique.

Six tendrils will act as legs from the Shell and be able to move around, capable of carrying an item like a Shuriken or Kunai, Scroll or a Message (For RP use in the Ninja World) in a couple of their tendrils whilst the other four are used to move around. The spider-cle moves at the same as their user's base speed.

Acorn Barnacle spews Smoke from it's mouth at the user's command. The Smoke is very thick and will quickly spew out, causing anyone hit by it to be distracted and or interrupted, causing them to cough and spittle - losing their concentration.

The Acorn Barnacle will release a projected image of a person, whether it be of the user, the target or someone else entirely. The projection is only used to meant to fool the opponent. However the Holo-cle can also emit a single noise, this noise can only be one of the following; explosion, electrical noise, sharp gust of wind, water rapids, earth formation. They represent the 5 elements to fool the opponent that an attack could be coming from another direction.

- These don't have to be summoned, they can already be on the user if stated in the bio.
- Body of the Thoracica and Legs of the Thoracica can be used through a Gadget Barnacle
- Barnacle Community Summons like "Oregon", "Barbaracle" can use Gadget Barnacles from their body.
- Using One Gadget Barnacle costs a turn
- Must have signed the Barnacle Contract
- Can only use one of each effects for this jutsu per match, meaning a total of 5 uses.
- Approved :

Description and Background:
A barnacle is a type of arthropod belonging to infraclass Cirripedia in the subphylum Crustacea, and is hence related to crabs and lobsters. Barnacles are exclusively marine, and tend to live in shallow and tidal waters, typically in erosive settings. Barnacles are encrusters, attaching themselves permanently to a hard substrate until they have to leave the field. Barnacles usually have a natural affinity to water and earth, depending on which Barnacles are summoned they are able to attach to Earth or any kind of hard substance easily - they can even attach to the opponent. Barnacles can be summoned in with water, washing against the earth and attaching onto it.

There are three types of Cirripedia, they are Acrothoracica, Rhizocephala and Thoracica :
  • Thoracica
    These are the most Common types of Barnacles and there are two types of this class called the "Acorn Barnacles" (Sessilia) or the "Goose Barnacles", these Barnacles have six little limbs used for catching food and are usually found in large quantaties on hard substrate e.g. Rocks or Drift Wood. These Barnacles have a very hard calcite shells which are impermeable, and they possess two plates which they can slide across their aperture when not feeding. These plates also protect against predation - simple blades cannot break through the barnacle shells. Their feathery appendages beat rhythmically to draw plankton and detritus into the shell for consumption - this rhythmical beat will be used in more ways than one depending on the summon's ability. Barnacles are usually found within water and can be found very deep within it, though they are commonly found in the shallow areas. Barnacles are well adapted against water loss.

  • Acrothoracica
    These Barnacles 'bore' into materials like the ground like earth or wood, though they can bore into shells and sometimes other plants - this produces a slit-like hole in the surface. Acrothoracicans are typically smaller than other types of barnacle, being only a few millimetres in length. Being protected by the hard surfaces into which they have bored, they have no solid carapace of plates like other barnacles but have a soft, sac-like body fixed to the surface by a chitinous disc at the front of the head. They have from four to six pairs of feathery limbs, or "cirri", which they project out of their borings to catch drifting detritus for food.

    These Barnacles can be summoned in large quantities and create slits in the ground, they usually use their limbs to reach out of the holes slightly and use their chakra to generate an attack or some sort of supplementary use to the user - the Acrothoracicans also have other functions aswell. Because these Barnacles don't have the great protection of calcite shells, they can be killed much more easily than the Thoracica.

  • Rhizocephala
    These are Parasitic Barnacle which usually could only take over other crustaceans, but these Rhizocephalan can use chakra and become more powerful and Parasitic to other creatures other than crustaceans, making them extremely Deadly. Their bauplan (body plan) is uniquely reduced in an extreme adaptation to their parasitic lifestyle, and makes their relationship to other barnacles unrecognizable in the adult form. As adults they lack appendages, segmentation, and all internal organs except gonads, a few muscles and the remains of the nervous system. The only distinguishable portion of a rhizocephalan body is the externa or reproductive portion of adult females. These are usually summoned by the user or when the summoned directly onto a target using the summoning technique.
Signers of this contract have a tattoo where they swipe blood on it to summon the different barnacles they are wanting to summon.
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