[Closed] - Zeref vs Pyke


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Closed battle
Pervy vs Gutsy
3 day reply limit
Mid range

Setting: Zeref stood on the beach looking out to the ocean. He remained on the small island alone as he knew his powers tend to hurt those around him, so his life of solitude seemed the best way. It was his morning ritual to stand and watch the sun climb into the sky each day, each day reborn and maybe one day he could be. As he looked out a silhouette appeared on the horizon, growing larger. A ship. It drew near coming into sight slowly as it was heading straight to the island, a long figure stood on the ship. Zeref stood waiting, unmoving wondering who it was and what they wanted....

My bio is prototype, but zeref is the reskin. Post your bio and any rp and i'll make the first move if you don't mind?


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Nov 29, 2011
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Pyke: https://animebase.me/threads/pyke-the-bloodharbor-ripper.765290/

Pyke had sailed for many a day, through the darkest nights, through stormy weather and rain. Even some days with the sun beating down upon him and his ship. Though it was not until he came to the island that he would finally rest. When he came upon the island, the ship was turned to show its broadside to the island, with a single man standing on the beach, Pyke jumped up upon the railing, holding on to the rope as he stared down upon him, with his eyes as dark and dead as a shark. His blades by his side [A cutlass and the Sword of the Thunder God], as well as several other weaponries. On his back a wooden staff with a raven upon it. The tide of the sea allowed for the galleon to get as close to the shore a humanly possible. As he stood staring down upon the man, he smiled behind his bandana. He could not see much down there, except for the sand and the person, really strange.

“Well well well… I guess you can’t go to an island without being disturbed.”


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
As Zeref looked out, the man appeared at the front of the ship, looking closer at him, Zeref could tell the kind he was. Asking him to simply leave wasn't an option, nor could Zeref ignore this sense if evil coming from the man, one on a vendetta, that crazed look in his eyes. No, Zeref would deal with this here and now. First thing would be to cut off the man's escape. With his sensing he made sure no one else was aboard that ship, and once he could guarantee it was only the man before him, it was time to act.

"Indeed.... i can't go with out being disturbed, but i wont let you make that same mistake twice..."

With that he held up his arm that began to move making sounds under his cloak. His arm facing towards the ship, From here 4 rockets shot out, all going in their own directions. The first aimed at the front bottom of the ship, aiming to hit where the boat met the water. The second aimed to come around from the left in an arc to hit the side of the ship, the third around to the right to hit the side of the ship. Lastly, the final missile shot up in the air coming down from above to hit the man on the deck exploding on impact. While he was doing all this he would also activate another of his paths to be ready just in case.

( Doujutsu: Rinnegan ) Eye Technique: Samsara Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the 3 great Doujutsu, the Rinnegan has, like the other, the ability to see chakra and the chakra flow of individuals. It also allows the user a great clarity of perception and tracking abilities, although its levels vary from user to user. Dispicted as the eyes of the SO6P, the Rinnegan awaken on Madara Uchiha after he obtained his EMS and implanted Hashirama's Senju cells in himself. Having both lineage from the SO6P allowed him to awake the Rinnegan. When Madara activates the Rinnegan, he seems to not suffer any kind decrease in his EMS abilities in terms of tracking speed, clarity of perception or seeing chakra. Eventually his eyes were bestowed upon Nagato Uzumaki and in him manifested lower abilities (equal or comparable to a 3 Tomoe Sharingan). While Nagato was never able to deactivate his eyes, Madara could switch at will between his EMS and Rinnegan eyes, although he wasn't able to go from 3 Tomoe to Rinnegan directly. Eventually Obito transplanted Nagato's (and subsequently Madara's) Left Rinnegan into himself. By doing so he gained access to both Doujutsu at the same time although losing the ability to deactivate the Rinnegan and as such, losing chakra constantly to maintain it.
Note: Constantly passively active in Nagato and Obito bios
Note: Requires activation ( spending move ) for Madara bios but remains active indefinetely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having a complete Madara bio with Rinnegan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. User needs to have activated EMS before and had it active for 1 full turn.

( Shuradō ) - Asura Path
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will activate the Asura Path which grants him the ability to create mechanised armor, augmenting their body with extra limbs and various robotic weaponry. It allows, for example, the user to create up to 6 extra arms which can be used in a variety of ways, such as grabbing their opponent and using a hidden chakra cannon in on the arms to attack him or perform handseals as the user throws kunais or does a Taijutsu move. It can even be used to help perform certain techniques. He can also alter his own head to manifest additional faces with additional pairs of eyes, all linked together. The possibilities are multiple. He can use this activation to access all of the Asura path abilities.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan biographies for the activation of the path and will remain continously activated.
Note: When the user wants to change his body, he must activate this technique each time. This is necessary as well for 6 Paths of Pein bios.

( Gakidō ) - Preta Path
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user activates the Preta Path which grants the ability to absorb any chakra based attack using the Blocking Technique Absorption Seal, the user could absorb an infinite amount of chakra in any form. And the technique can be used in direct physical contact and absorb their chakra from their body or to create a barrier around them to absorb incoming Ninjutsu techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan biographies for the activation of the path and will remain continously activated.

(Chakra Henkanshi no Jutsu) - Chakra Sensing Technique
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 15 (- 5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a very advanced of advancing the ability to feel and sense chakra. The technique allows the user to concentrate and detect someone's chakra. Users can use this to determine the nature of a jutsu used as well as sense masses of chakra. The use of this can be compared to Sharingan's brutish level of sensory, able to sense collection of chakra but not the level of clarity and precision Byakugan has.

Note: Can only be used by bios with Sensory ability.
Note: After having on a bio for 1 month, users gain the ability to activate Sensory passively.

( Kaiwan Misairu no Jutsu ) - Flaming Arrow Missiles Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Using the Asura Path's abilities, the user is able to create missiles from his body that can be launched at the opponent. The selected body part will open up and revealing "missile bays", from which the missiles will shoot up. These missiles home in to the targets chakra signature and can track multiple targets. The user is able to produce up to 4 missiles.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan bios.
Note: Requires the user to have the (Shuradō) - Asura Path active

Chakra: 2750 - 5 - 30 -30 - 15 - 30 = 2640


Active member
Nov 29, 2011
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Pyke stood before the man on the beach, looking down upon him from the galleon. What the man said turned obvious as to what he intended to do. His words carrying with it, the intent to harm. As Pyke stood there, several missiles shot from beneath the cloak of the arm, from his arms towards the ship aimed at different areas, it was clear as day he intended to destroy the galleon. Pyke did not care, he used it as a vessel simply to move, though the sea is his home. Pyke could see the man’s eyes even from the galleon, the power that they emanated was truly inconceivable. He had not faced such eyes before, but he knew to be wary of anyone whom wielded strange eyes like the Sharingan or Byakugan. Perhaps the person in front of him had the ungodly habit of underestimating his adversaries, as he would not have noticed that Pyke was able to sense everything that was happening now. He could sense the movement of chakra within the man and his eyes, he could sense the build up of energy within his arms before the missiles appeared, there was so much that Pyke could do with his exceptional sensory capabilities. He could even sense the specific individuals that were sailing or were several landmarks away without even concentrating specifically upon them, though now he was focused on this individual. The nature of these missiles was unique, not specifically an element, probably more in the line of Ninjutsu but they were not ordinary. He knew if he had to overcome this adversary, he had to test him, see how and what would work against him.

As the missiles approached from several sides, and one straight from above, he knew he had to act unless he wanted to take unnecessary injuries. He had deducted by now that illusions were probably not going to work against him, since it would not work against other people with unique eyes, though he deduced that it would probably be the same case for this one. As Pyke stood unwavering atop the galleon, the water below as well as beside it began to twist and turn, the foam created as the water struck the beach rose together with the water, rising all around the galleon, it was as if Pyke controlled the very ocean, as the ocean rose around him, it would rush across the deck and sweep Pyke with it, off of it as it would twist and turn, until it had formed into a titan of a dragon. The dragon standing even higher than that of the galleon as it would have continued to move forward avoiding the missiles that would have struck the ship blowing it to smithereens. The dragon blasted forward, Pyke hidden behind the twisting and turning foam filled dragon, its open mouth flying forward aimed directly at the man on the beach. Pyke was on the back of the titanic dragon, hidden out of sight, as the dragon would come down upon the man, Pyke would have in the mean time placed a total of five seals on four different kunai as well as the Sword of the Thunder God by his side. He left one of the kunai within the dragon to be carried down upon the man, while as the dragon struck, he would leap up and over the man’s location, staring down upon him, as he would throw yet another of the kunai aimed down upon him. The last two kunai as well as the sword would still be on his person as he flies above the man. As he passes above the man, he releases flower petals from his palms down upon him, and as he lands behind the man still with some distance [Mid-range] between them, the petals would reach the man together with the kunai, as the petals would encircle him and cause black smoke to form around him completely consuming him and hiding Pyke outside of it, as he throws his third kunai aimed to land directly behind him outside the smoke.


(Chakra Henkanshi no Jutsu) - Chakra Sensing Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 15 (- 5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a very advanced of advancing the ability to feel and sense chakra. The technique allows the user to concentrate and detect someone's chakra. Users can use this to determine the nature of a jutsu used as well as sense masses of chakra. The use of this can be compared to Sharingan's brutish level of sensory, able to sense collection of chakra but not the level of clarity and precision Byakugan has.

Note: Can only be used by bios with Sensory ability.
Note: After having on a bio for 1 month, users gain the ability to activate Sensory passively.


(Suiton: Suiryuudan no Jutsu) - Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30 - 40
Damage Points: 60 – 80 [+ 20]
Description: After performing a long series of handseals: Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird → Ox → Horse → Bird → Rat → Tiger → Dog → Tiger → Snake → Ox → Ram → Snake → Boar → Ram → Rat → Yang Water → Monkey → Bird → Dragon → Bird → Ox → Horse → Ram → Tiger → Snake → Rat → Monkey → Hare → Boar → Dragon → Ram → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Bird → Yang Water → Rat → Boar → Bird, the user then shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might, dealing physical damage. The ideal place to use it is near a body of water, but if the user's skill allows it, it is possible to use it even in a place where there is none. The amount of water used will be in proportion with the user's skill as well as its power which can vary. Ninjas with a water specialty will be able to produce up to an S-Rank technique; normal ninja will produce the basic A-Rank technique. Tobirama was able to use this technique with a single hand seal showing testiment to his skill in water ninjutsu.

Note: Requires a nearby water source.

( Fūin Hirashin no Jutsu ) - Seal of The Flying Thunder God technique
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is the technique through which Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato apply the sealing formula, that will allow the use of their trademark space time techniques, to any desired object through physical contact and allowing him to teleport to that desired location through the Flying thunder God Technique and the use of its variations. While Minato carries with him multiple kunais marked with the seal (making the core aspect of his fighting style which revolves around the use of FTG Kunais), Tobirama doesn't. To use the Flying Thunder God technique on kunais, Tobirama has to apply the seal to them though through one use of the technique he can mark up to 5 kunais (this is valid only for kunais and other basic weapons, not enemies or other targets of the seal).
Note: Can only be used by Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato bios.

(Hana Ninpō: Kyōku Sai) - Flower Technique: The District End
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user reaches out his/her hand, sending a stream of flower petals from their palm towards the opponent. The flower petals encircle the enemy and dark smoke fades their surroundings to black, hiding the user.

Chakra: 2100 – 5 – 40 – 30 = 2025


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
As the missiles are shot the water forms around the boat as it forms into a dragon, the missiles exploding would weaken the dragon but not by much (removing the +20 damage) leaving it at S rank in power as not all hit. Zeref smiled. He was sure interested in seeing what the man before him could do, and now would be the time to do it. As the dragon forms, Zeref can perceive it's motion and sense the man on it's back, and so he decides to show him what true power is. With a couple of handseals the ground all around zeref shoots up in it's own tsunami wave all around washing over the dragon and whats left of the ship. As it forms Zeref keeps doing handseals, the wave grows even bigger and stronger in a rapid rate. It would be such a unique sight to see a wave of earth washing over the ocean like that. The wave would come down on the dragon crushing it and the man and taking all the ftg seals and such with them. Crushing them into the ocean bed. With the size of the wave of earth it would leave no escape, it going all around to long range and arching over the top like a wave in the ocean. Zeref with the rinnegan is able to perform jutsu quicker than normal shinobi making the combo easy to pull off.:
(Doton: Wakusei Haken) Earth Release: Planet Dispatch
Rank: S
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80+25 = 105
Description: After successive handseals, huge torrents of rock and stone begin to erupt around the user and create a tsunami-like effect that spreads across the battlefield in all directions and leaving a huge crater at the source of the attack.
Note: Must be taught by Ingwer

(doton: tsuchi kakujuu) - Earth style: Earth expansion
Type: Attack/Defence
Rank: A
Range: Short - long
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points: +25
Description: After releasing a earth jutsu the user will perform 2 handseals as they release there chakra into the earth jutsu. In doing so, the user will increase the power and size of the earth jutsu boosting any earth jutsu by 25 damage points. By the increase in chakra the earth jutsu will grow in size and become more dense addding to its power.

Note: Can only use used on earth the user or the users summon has created
Note: Can only be used once one each earth jutsu creates
Note: can only be used 3 times
As the mass of earth crashed down on the man before him, Zeref makes a single clone:
(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (total chakra is divided by the final number of clones plus the user)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and himself and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clones, a max number of 4, are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force, returning 10% of its individual chakra to the user. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the original with Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan or normal Chakra Sensing. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

Chakra: 2640 - 40 - 20 = 2580/2 = 1290 each


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Nov 29, 2011
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Pyke on the back of the titanic dragon could feel the molding of the energy he knew that the man intended to defend himself from the impending water dragon. The Flying Thunder God seal upon the kunai hidden in the water dragon, the rest of them still on Pykes person, he witnesses the gigantic wave of earth rising in front of the individual at the beach, it was intended to be a barrier against the dragon. Pyke could not let that happen, especially seeing how huge the wave was. He ran across the back of the dragon to its head, where he faced off against the giant wave of earth. As this happened, Pyke raised his hands, aiming directly at the incoming wave, where the dragon was going to strike. From Pykes hands several tendrils of lightning shot out striking the wave of earth, causing several sections of it to come crumbling down yet not strong enough to break through the wave itself, though it would of weakened the wave to the point when the wave and the dragon clashes, the dragon would burst through the earth with Pyke on its head, continuing onward towards the man.

As the dragon bursts through the remains of the wave it opens its mouth as it comes down towards him, with Pyke, he would have sensed that there were now two on the field of the same person. No matter, the original has yet to move, and through his sensory perception he could tell that it was the real one. Two of the same people should not be a problem. He proceeds onward with the intentions that he originally had, though changed in some fashion, he jumped over the original and the clone, with the dragon crashing down, with him leaping over being out of reach from the two of them, as he pulled the Sword of the Thunder God from its scabbard. From above he would make a cut into thin air causing a wave of unfocused electricity to flow through the air down upon the original and the clone, just after the dragon would of it. This is followed by Pyke landing in mid-range behind the two of them, quickly turning on himself dropping a kunai where he stands as he begins to dash towards them from behind.

(Raiton: Sandāboruto) - Lightning Style: Thunderbolt
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user extends both arms, releasing a high discharge through both palms, targeting multiple opponents simultaneously. It is possible to increase the power using this technique in combination with a water source. Working similarly to False Darkness, the held orbs split into several tendrils of lightning. If used against a target submerged in water, the strength increases +20.

(Raijin no Ken) - Sword of the Thunder God
Type: Weapon
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A sword held by Senju Tobirama, the Raijin no Ken is made of a hilt which releases lightning natured chakra which forms a blade of pure lightning energy. It is so focused and dense that it manifests and behaves as a physical sword. The sword uses the owners chakra to produce the blade and discharge lightning attacks. The blade, when used for physical melee attacks, adds +20 lightning damage to Kenjutsu techniques and can discharge unfocused lightning, A-Rank, short to mid range in large arcs. To do so, the user swings the sword towards the target, producing the discharge which ravages towards the enemy. This can only be done once every two turns and counts as a move. The sword is not indestructible, being resistant to only up to A-Rank techniques. But, if destroyed, can be recreated after one turn unless the hilt is damaged.
Note: Can only be used by Senju Tobirama bios.

Chakra: 2055 – 30 – 5 – 5 = 2015


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Pyke on the back of the titanic dragon could feel the molding of the energy he knew that the man intended to defend himself from the impending water dragon. The Flying Thunder God seal upon the kunai hidden in the water dragon, the rest of them still on Pykes person, he witnesses the gigantic wave of earth rising in front of the individual at the beach, it was intended to be a barrier against the dragon. Pyke could not let that happen, especially seeing how huge the wave was. He ran across the back of the dragon to its head, where he faced off against the giant wave of earth. As this happened, Pyke raised his hands, aiming directly at the incoming wave, where the dragon was going to strike. From Pykes hands several tendrils of lightning shot out striking the wave of earth, causing several sections of it to come crumbling down yet not strong enough to break through the wave itself, though it would of weakened the wave to the point when the wave and the dragon clashes, the dragon would burst through the earth with Pyke on its head, continuing onward towards the man.

As the dragon bursts through the remains of the wave it opens its mouth as it comes down towards him, with Pyke, he would have sensed that there were now two on the field of the same person. No matter, the original has yet to move, and through his sensory perception he could tell that it was the real one. Two of the same people should not be a problem. He proceeds onward with the intentions that he originally had, though changed in some fashion, he jumped over the original and the clone, with the dragon crashing down, with him leaping over being out of reach from the two of them, as he pulled the Sword of the Thunder God from its scabbard. From above he would make a cut into thin air causing a wave of unfocused electricity to flow through the air down upon the original and the clone, just after the dragon would of it. This is followed by Pyke landing in mid-range behind the two of them, quickly turning on himself dropping a kunai where he stands as he begins to dash towards them from behind.

(Raiton: Sandāboruto) - Lightning Style: Thunderbolt
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user extends both arms, releasing a high discharge through both palms, targeting multiple opponents simultaneously. It is possible to increase the power using this technique in combination with a water source. Working similarly to False Darkness, the held orbs split into several tendrils of lightning. If used against a target submerged in water, the strength increases +20.

(Raijin no Ken) - Sword of the Thunder God
Type: Weapon
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A sword held by Senju Tobirama, the Raijin no Ken is made of a hilt which releases lightning natured chakra which forms a blade of pure lightning energy. It is so focused and dense that it manifests and behaves as a physical sword. The sword uses the owners chakra to produce the blade and discharge lightning attacks. The blade, when used for physical melee attacks, adds +20 lightning damage to Kenjutsu techniques and can discharge unfocused lightning, A-Rank, short to mid range in large arcs. To do so, the user swings the sword towards the target, producing the discharge which ravages towards the enemy. This can only be done once every two turns and counts as a move. The sword is not indestructible, being resistant to only up to A-Rank techniques. But, if destroyed, can be recreated after one turn unless the hilt is damaged.
Note: Can only be used by Senju Tobirama bios.

Chakra: 2055 – 30 – 5 – 5 = 2015
As Zeref formed his clone, he could sense that even through his tidal wave, the man was still approaching, breaking through as the clone formed. But both Zeref and his clone were ready for this. The real Zeref would hold up his hand and through the Asura path being active already, he would have a laser ready on his arm, aimed at the dragon/pyke on his back. This is done so that the laser would shoot out as they break through the wave smashing through the very weakened (b rank) dragon, and hit pyke. With it's weakened state, the dragon would be rendered useless by this as the laser hits Pyke in the right eye:

( Reza Bakuhatsu no Jutsu ) - Laser Explosion Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Through the Asura Path, the user is able to create a cannon of sorts from his body. This "hi-tech" looking weapon is nothing more than a chakra cannon. It shoots a very dense and concentrated beam of chakra that travels at blazing speeds. The dense concentration of the beam makes it strong enough to play in equal terms to elemental techniques of the same rank.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan bios.
Note: Requires the user to have the (Shuradō) - Asura Path active.

At the same time, the clone would be acting in unison, their linked vision through the rinnegan playing in their favour, and just being created it had the same thoughts as the real Zeref. In that moment, the clone would use Killing intent as the laser is fired at pyke. What this would mean is that in the moment when he needs to defend, he is frozen in fear. His dragon rendered useless and his body falling victim to Zeref's strong will (Sage rank vs Jounin). Both jutsu are used in unison, at the same time to makeit even harder for his opponent to counter:

(Sakki) - Killing Intent
Rank: D - S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Killing Intent pertains to the ability of the user giving off their pure killing intention and having it affect their opponent and others around them up to the point of paralyzing them. When the Killing Intent is particularly strong, it can even give the victim visions of their own gruesome death, nausea, pain, etc. This can cause the Killing Intent to be confused with a genjutsu, despite not being a genjutsu at all; simply a showcase of intention and power. The target will feel as if facing an overwhelming enemy and, even if not a sensor, will suddenly feel the pressure of the users chakra and its magnitude, making the effect that much more dramatic. To effectively be used, the user needs to focus on his target and concentrate on the killing intent towards it, meaning that one must see the target and be focused on it. The strength of the Killing Intent is dependent on many factors and go through several levels. If a difference in rank smaller than 2 ranks exist, the enemy will feel only the pressure and the ominous presence of their dark intentions. Its enough to lose your grasp on a weapon or stay clinched to it (depending on the situation) or even to hesitate in an attack, stumble or mess up a handseal, all depending on the situation and proximity. The effect is small and normally not that significant but can be effectively used to pressure enemies into making a mistake. If a difference of 2 ranks or more exist, the enemy will be frozen, almost unable to move as the overwhelming killing intent dominates their own conscious and riddles them with nightmarish versions of death. The paralyzation gradually weakens as time passes and can only be maintained while the user is focused on the target. The further away the target, the weaker it is and it can only fully paralyze a target within short range. Similarly, the more targets one focuses on, the weaker the effect is in each one (divinding the effects equally between the number of targets). Lastly, the stronger the user is in relation to the target, the stronger the effect will be. The target can counter Killing Intent directed at it through pain, "mind cleansing" techniques or their own Killing Intent.
Note: Intensity of technique depends on the rank of the user, distance to target and number of targets one is focusing on
Note: Can only be used once
Note: Lasts only while the user is focusing on it and while focusing on it the user can't mold chakra

Zeref chakra = 1290 - 30 = 1260
Clone chakra = 1290


Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
As Pyke and the water dragon blasted through the wave of earth, it was visibly weakened, as water dropped from it everywhere, as it approached the two individuals. Pyke was prepared to move forward with his plan, when suddenly, he was struck with an ungodly fear of death, the mans Rinnegan imprinted into his mind, he had difficulty moving at all. He could all but witness as the man released a powerful laser which would cut directly through the head of the dragon and continue towards him. Pyke could not move, though he was still able to mold his chakra, and at what would seem the last possible moment, the water would shoot from the water dragon sending Pyke sideways through the air, towards the opposite direction that he and the dragon had come from, and as he travels through the air he would grab a Flying Thunder God tagged kunai, using it to cut himself across the shoulder, blood dripping out. And as he snaps out of the horrifying state of petrification, he immediately throws the kunai directly at the original man, as he lands and rolls across the sand. As he rolls across the sand, he would release his chakra out of his body, immediately creating a black wave that races across the sand towards the two of them, a black wave of darkness that will come towards him with a rampage aimed to collide and wrap itself around them and explode when done so [B-rank version]. As the wave is sent across the beach towards him, following behind the kunai thrown, Pyke would get his footing, where he would pull the Sword of the Thunder God from its scabbard. As if that wasn’t enough, when the black wave and the kunai would be striking or about to strike the target, Pyke would raise the water deep within the sand and to the side of the individuals whom are standing close together, as the water rises below them, wrapping itself around them until it consumes them in a dome of water suffocating.

(Suiton No Jutsu) - Water technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: Creates small waves of water,small blasts, and small shields of water.

Note: Doesn't require a water source but can be used to manipulate existing water.

Kayakuton: Kono burō | Gunpowder: Blow This
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15/40
Damage: 30/80
Description: The most rudimentary technique of the element. By focusing Gunpowder chakra throughout the body and/or surrounding ground, the user is able to create tools and constructs made of Gunpowder. These can range from kunais to full length swords and spears for close combat. It may also include different traps such as rising gunpowder from beneath the enemy similarly to the water imprisonment technique. This also includes pillars, walls and other complex constructs. Whenever the user is in physical contact with his creations, he can at will make it change its shape and form; from a sword to a spear or a pillar to an orb etc. (this does not include rank of the jutsu which remains the same no matter what the technique morphs into). The techniques vary in size and power depending on the amount of chakra utilized, where the S-rank version of this technique allows someone to make jutsus as big as the canon ‘Destructive Earth Rising Pillars’. However when these constructs come into contact with any form of fire or an element that can create heat or a flame, these constructs explode immediately. The user can at will cause a weapon in his hand or any construct on the field, which he has made through this jutsu, to immediately explode, through the use of a handseal. The user can make multiple objects but the power is divided between them, for example if the user makes two swords with the A rank use, each sword will be B rank in power.
- S-rank versions can be used 3 times per match.
- A-rank and above of this technique requires a handseal
- Changing shape of a weapon or construct requires a move slot.
- After utilizing the S-rank version you cannot use any A-rank or above Gunpowder techniques the following turn.

(Suiton: Funshutsu Mizu Kinko) - Water Release: Gushing Water Imprisonment
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user creates a flow of gushing water under the opponent which traps them in a sphere of water. The user can perform an attack while the opponent is trapped. This jutsu is similar to Water Prison Technique, though the user doesn't need to keep his arm in the sphere of water.

Note: This creates its own water source.

Chakra: 2020 – 5 - 20 - 20 = 1975


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Nice avoid bud. Tobirama suits you ^_^

Zeref has his rinnegan and with it, he has tracking akin to the three tomoe sharingan, not only this, but his clone also has it, their vision both linking increasing their reaction times. With the clone not using chakra for the killing intent, he was the first to react. Using his skills with caramel release, not needing a hand seal, he would create sphere of molten caramel 1m in diameter around his opponent while he moves through the air. As it forms out of the air it would burn his skin on contact causing extreme pain, while holding him in the air causing him to drop down in front of both Zeref's. The pain creating the distraction from his continuing his assault. And so pyke would fall to the floor, mid range from them both, landing on the beach near where the remnants of the water dragon would land. Following creating the creation of the caramel around him he uses his control over it to cause spikes to form out the caramel to push into his skin straight away, impaling him on all sides as hes bound burning in agony :

(karumera kata) - Caramel Shapes
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40 (if in liquid boiling form)
Description: Using caramel chakra shape manipulation, the user will be able to create objects/shapes of caramel like cubes, spheres, kunais, pillars, etc from their chakra alone, not needing to form the caramel from the ground. These objects will be made of pure caramel whether it be solid or liquid, but will be no larger than 1m cubed space. And example of this would be almost like a variation of the "(Suiton: Haran Banshō) - Water Release: Stormy Blockade" jutsu, which allows the user to create the water out of no where.

Note: Can only be used once per turn
Note: No fire jutsu in the same turn
Note: Can only make one object per turn.
Note: Objects can only be manipulated the turn they are used

(karumera seichuu ) Caramel control
Rank: A
Type: attack/defence
Range: short - mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: This jutsu allows the user to bend and control caramel (through body movement) that they have already created or taken control off, to bend it into different shapes or forms by controlling the temperature and desity of the caramel. This can be used to solidify the caramel, turn it to liquid, of just to control its shape and temperature. It can even be used to control caramels movements in the air in the same way ninjutsu is used to control weapon movements in the air like shuriken. For example, if the user were to throw a kunai made or caramel they would be able to use this jutsu to change it's trajectory in the air.

While the clone acts on its own accord in binding, the real Zeref takes this chance to subdue him completely. In unison with the clone creating the caramel as the man goes through the air he performs a series of hand seals slamming his hand on the ground, creating a barrier around Pyke as the caramel forms, pushing him down to the ground, pinning him down, drawing on his chakra. This barrier would emcompas the entire area around pyke, even if he could try and move his chakra would be drained and stop him using higher ranked techniques. The caramel burning away, the spikes impaling. The water from the dragon would be within this barrier along with that kunai you left there, so even ftg wont let you escape. What will you do good sir?

(Tajū Mugen Hōyō ) - Multiple Infinite Embraces
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30 (-100 to the target per turn, +100 to user per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique is a stronger version of Infinite Embraces and is used basically in the same manner. The user will do the Tiger → Dog → Horse → Dragon → Boar hand seals and slam his hands on the ground, creating a bigger barrier than the original technique but similar in its essence which drains the target's chakra but also pushes down on them making it much harder to break free. The massive pressure the technique puts on the target prevents the target from moving unless it has some sort of enhanced strength ability, making it very difficult to break free from it. Unable to move, the targets are also unable to mold chakra above A-Rank while having his chakra drained. The barrier can only be broken by A-Rank techniques or above or by attacking the user.

zeref = 1260 - 30 +100 = 1330
Clone = 1290 - 20 - 30 = 1240


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
I give up, not in the mood. Besides doubt id be able to get back on top ;)
Well next turn, what ever you did, one of my boys was gonna S rank gen you while you got hit in the face with a full on shinra tensei... i'm aiming for blood <_<

Speaking of which, ima be taking your blood if mods allow it. Gonna ask them to check. Thanks for the fight though.