Chapter 562 spoilers!


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Jul 17, 2009
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Surprised no-one has done this yet as some pics were provided yesterday. Anywhere here we go.

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Broadcast: "[something unreadable] Buggy the Clown is the/a captain!"
Buggy: "For sure...... you're talking about me!?"
Broadcast: "Stop him immediately!"

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PX army kicking ass.

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Whitebeard is betrayed!

Original source

Nja's spoiler

90 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg [↓] :2009/10/27(火) 18:44:35 ID:vpYodJ4m0
タイトル 海賊大渦蜘蛛スクアード
扉絵 笑顔が素敵なロビン姉さんの後ろにカルガモの群れ
20体以上のクマに 包囲は出来なかったが縦に挟む事は可能だ!とセンゴク
ルフィの前にキザルが立ちはだかり ふりだしに戻りなよ~ っと思いっきり蹴りを入れられ飛ば されるが
ジンベエが途中でキャッチをし2人でなんとかしようとしてた所に白ひげの各隊長5~6名が一斉にキザルに向 かっていく
隊長 麦わら~大将ごときに足止め食らってんじゃねえよ~
ルフィ なにを~やろう~ っと負けじと突っ込んでいく キザル おや~またやっかいなやつら が増えたね~
センゴクに 放送は全て中断できたか~? 兵士1台囚人どもに盗まれて中断できません
バギー 道化のバギー様だ!
いかんこの中継が流れてしまったら海軍の~ とセンゴク
鷹の目・ビスタ クマが迫ってきているのを感じ 鷹の目 お互いのために剣をおさめぬか? ビスタ その方 がよろしい様ですな と中断
スクアードが白ひげの後ろから現れ前に歩いていき抜刀し いきなり白ひげを刺したところで完で す。

212 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg [↓] :2009/10/27(火) 18:58:56 ID:vpYodJ4m0
白ひげ おおスクアードお前に丁度やってもらいたい事が~俺もこれから前線にでる!
マルコ スクアードあんな所に・・・
スクアード(額から血を流してる)いあ~後ろの連中悲惨ですわ囲まれて今にもやられちまいそう ですぜ・・・
白ひげ ・・・・
スクアード 白ひげ海賊団はいいですね~親父の命令ひとつで命張って突っ込んでいく~みたいな 事いって
ってスタスタ白ひげの前に歩いていって抜刀し クルリとひねって白ひげを刺し

276 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg [↓] :2009/10/27(火) 19:05:26 ID:vpYodJ4m0
10番隊の隊長は名前出てきましたけどモリアさんが言っていた 名前忘れろロボみたいな人
キザルに特攻していった5~6の風貌はおっさん達と着物着て拳銃もった女みたいな男くらいしか覚えてないで すw

Originally Posted by Aohige_AP View Post
Chapter title: Maelstrom Spider Squad
Cover image: Robin smiling beautifully, and a flock of spotbills behind her

Sengoku says we weren't able to completely surround you, but we CAN sandwitch you from both sides vertically!
He orders over 20 Kumas to attack at once, and the Kuma army advances while spamming lasers.
Kizaru stands before Luffy and tells him to go back to the starting point, and kicks him away.
However, Jinbei catches Luffy. As they both plan to deal with Kizaru, 5~6 WB Division commanders appear and all rush to Kizaru.
One of the commanders yell Strawhat... Don't let a measley Admiral stop you.
Luffy complains back at him, and rushes forward.
Kizaru says Oh my.... we got even more troublesome folks to deal with.

Sengoku: Have all the broadcast been interrupted yet?
Marine: No sir, one of the camera has been surrounded by the prisoners, and cannot be stopped!
Buggy starts selling his name on the camera.
He brags on how he used to be a crew member of the Gold Roger, he was like a brother to the youkou Redhaired Shanks,
how he don't die even when sliced up by the strongest swordsman in the world, I am Buggy, Buggy the Clown!!
Sengoku is worried about this being broadcasted will hurt marine's image. He orders the marines to shoot and kill them.

Meanwhile, Mihawk vs Vista. They see Kumas advancing towards them.
Mihawk suggest they both pull back their swords for now, for both of their sakes.
Vista obliges, and they stop the duel.

Moria is seen alive and well, fighting the 10th division commander.
Squad appears behind Whitebeard, and starts walking towards him with his sword drawn.
Then he suddenly stabs Whitebeard, and the chapter ends.

Nja 2nd post

Whitebeard: There you are Squad, there's something I want you to do. I'm heading to the front lines!
Marco: Squad... what is he doing over there
Squad, bleeding from his forehead: Man, the guys back there are getting trashed. They're surrounded on all sides, and are about to go down....
Whitebeard: .....
Squad: Whitebeard pirates are really great, aren't they?
They all go rushing in putting their lives at stake from just one command from their leader.

Squad rants on as he advances to Whitebeard, then suddenly unsheathes his sword, spins around and stabs Whitebeard.
Whitebeard's eyes turn white, and Marco, Ace, Luffy and others stare at the scene with confused look on their face.

Nja 3rd post
None of the new Division commanders were named, other than 10th.
Moria said his name. That robot looking guy.

Of the The 5~6 commanders rushing at Kizaru, I only remember a kimono wearing dude with a gun that looks like a chick, and bunch of guys.
(Nja isn't sure of the gender of the gun tooting kimono chick, lol)

Nja's 4th post

Sorry, I forgot the name Moria called him by....
Moria was hinting something at him though.
Moria: Hey, isn't it awesome you're gonna get to see both Ace and Whitebeard die in front of your eyes? Right, 10th Division commander somethingsomething?
10th DC: I won't let you have Ace OR pops!!

Scans of entire chapter -

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Active member
Jul 17, 2009
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Just loaded the rest of the pictures.

WOW. Did not expect Whitebeard to be hit like that with his own subordinate. I doubt that anyone saw this coming because other then Blackbeard whose a special case, the loyal support of the Whitebeard pirates have been unquestioned until now. The new pics show him sweating which means he really didn't see this one coming. Wonder what Squardo's deal is. If he is working for the WG, one of the Yonkou's or another motive. PX army kicking ass is very scary :eek:

Wtf Ill report you for ruining the new chapter.... xd
I know you loved it ;)


Active member
May 28, 2009
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WTH WB stapped ..... i didn't get it ..who stapped him ...10th division commander???

:whoa: there is a lot of kuma's more than i expected..i thought there will be 10 kuma's