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  1. minamoto

    [Theory] One piece Theory : Luffy teh Joyboy!!!!..

    or maybe he had knowlege of poneglifs???.. it remind me of intra and ashora recincarnation in naroto and sasuke.. ashura was in hash thenhis wil inhabited naroto.. or beter explained his how hago came out of hashi.. my theory joboy had 2 sons who are teh Ds decendents : 1) ancestor of rock...
  2. minamoto

    [Theory] One piece Theory : Luffy teh Joyboy!!!!..

    in last page of chapter 1043 u'll notice that sun god nikuh is non other then joboy himself.. and about valey of end incident..what r u tryin to say???.. whats ur point???? ..i dont get it..real mystery here is why roger had to protect selestial dragons from teh feels like roger...
  3. minamoto

    [Theory] One piece Theory : Luffy teh Joyboy!!!!..

    this theory is true .....
  4. minamoto

    [Theory] One piece Theory : Luffy teh Joyboy!!!!..

    t le meilleurr mon pote!!!!!!!!..
  5. minamoto

    [Theory] One piece Theory : Luffy teh Joyboy!!!!..

    i------------>. so in chapter 1014 of one pisu there was a interesting manga panel where Kaido says : 1st how does kaido know about joyboy??????? : my theory someone from wano deciphred one of poneglyfs to kaido and had him know about teh legendary mugiwara joyboy coming back .. 2nd...