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  1. minamoto

    [VS] WA Tsunade vs Kakuzu

    what are ur claims i told ifnant i'll refute dem one by one..
  2. minamoto

    [VS] WA Tsunade vs Kakuzu

    free dont exist...or rather it exists but u have to seek it hardly and then finally unlock it..
  3. minamoto

    [VS] WA Tsunade vs Kakuzu

    OP iz troll...we all saw how madara sliced sunade in 2 halves.. and that was just out of mercy cuz he could've killed her..
  4. minamoto

    [VS] WA Tsunade vs Kakuzu

    tute ...r u crazy????...madara would snatch a life outta kakozo..
  5. minamoto

    [VS] WA Tsunade vs Kakuzu

    we will see about that...just remember tis sunade tiscussion we had...
  6. minamoto

    [VS] WA Tsunade vs Kakuzu

    good reply homie u fell perfectly in my trap cuz next time i bust u say teh otherwize i'll solo teh sh!t out of u..
  7. minamoto

    [VS] WA Tsunade vs Kakuzu

    r u sure??? cuz sunade is sensei of sukura and sukura is ur fav character..
  8. minamoto

    [VS] WA Tsunade vs Kakuzu

    i'll let lisenge deal wit ur nonsense bullsh!t...
  9. minamoto

    [VS] WA Tsunade vs Kakuzu

    kakutzu would snash life out that fodder sunade..