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  1. kujaku

    Suggest books for 12 year old.

    That's why I said he seemed to like it. At least he was interested so I thought similar books would also interest him, maybe more so. Agree actually, to a certain degree; it really depends on the kid. I replied based on what I liked to read at the time. In a library no one would have given me...
  2. kujaku

    Suggest books for 12 year old.

    At around that age I read Crime and Punishment by F. Dostoevsky (still one of my favs) and since he seemed to like Count of Monte Cristo I think that one's a safe bet. Also, The Picture of Dorian Gray by O. Wilde? Anna Karenina by L. Tolstoy, maybe something else by A. Dumas. Erm, Wuthering...