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  1. chopstickchakra

    [Discussion] Luffy's alliances

    Definitely limitations, I've heard she needs to touch you that's why BB chained her but those could have been seastone chain too. But imagine if she could set traps by touching items and if you touch those items the aging effect happens. If she's not actually the Queen of the Sorbet kingdom(a...
  2. chopstickchakra

    [Discussion] Luffy's alliances

    I've seen theories it wasn't a disguise but that's her actual age.
  3. chopstickchakra

    [Discussion] Luffy's alliances

    So Luffy's allied with Law, he's allied with Bege, it seems pretty certain he'll ally with Kid here. So my question is, who do you think will be next of the SuperNova Luffy will ally with or no one? Who would you least expect him to ally with?