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  1. Zaphkiel

    [CC] Nom nom

    Yea, both those techniques are meant to be the most accessible and deployable techniques in your arsenal as a Claymore apart from your primary and secondary affinities. In other words, you should always be able to feed and heal, even if under jutsu restrictions, which is why they carry no...
  2. Zaphkiel

    [CC] Nom nom

    While you aren't wrong, you can't directly feed on techniques--i.e. bite a fireball. How this feeding works is exclusively through the raw chakra left behind whenever Kurochi overpowers a technique. So an S-ranked wave of Kurochi overpowering an A-ranked wall of Earth would leave behind this...
  3. Zaphkiel

    [CC] Nom nom

    I thought I'd hyperlinked the CC to my thread. Will fix that. While a lot of inspiration came from Tokyo Ghoul, the CC is actually more heavily based on a manga of the same name, which features similar abilities. The Claymores of NB are a race of shinobi that have been 'cursed' with an...
  4. Zaphkiel

    [CC] Nom nom

    Hello, sorry for the wait. So you want to be a Claymore, huh? Starting at the basics: Tell me what you know of the clan so far, lore and ability-wise.