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  1. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    I know people that run full marathons and have been vegan for a decade or two. I have been powerlifting for about 14 years now and the strongest I've been is now as a vegan and I rarely take proteine shakes. All non-vegans, when it comes to knowledge regarding nutrition speak from a place of...
  2. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    Thanks for proving my point. I hope you'll someday have more compassion for those who walk the earth besides your own species.
  3. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    Deluded by the thought they are the apex predator while strolling through supermarkets, some people refuse to look at what connects them to other animal species. The fact they experience joy, sadness, depression, anger, jealousy, and other emotions goes straight by these simpletons due to...
  4. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    I knew not to expect too much but you really couldn't be reasoned with. Smh, you do you
  5. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    Are you that dense.. "even humans" well, no sh1t, all sentient beings react to stimuli. Not all inaminate objects do. Could've picked another example. Sentience is the main focus point as though you made a jestful remark comparing a few dozen chickens as less deaths then that of a thousand...
  6. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    You forgot to address the most relevant part. Sentience. And it isn't the first or second time you fail to grasp the point. There is an obvious difference yet the comparison remains steadfast in itself. A breathalyzer reacts to stimuli, so do does the mimosa pudica plant. (I have it at home)...
  7. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    I remember now how low the level of intellect on this forum was and apparently, still is. (with exception of a couple oldgens) I've heard this argument so many times before, it's tiresome. Comparing plants to sentient animals with central nervous systems, capable of experience their...
  8. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    No, it's not flawed. Again, you just seem to have a hard time understanding. Regardless of an animal species being wiped out or not (which is a specialty of ours, animal agriculture being one of the leading reasons), their presence would not equal the level of destruction that we achieved. You...
  9. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    Not under my example, you just seem to have a hard time grasping the point. A cluster of cancer cells eventually kills the host. It spreads and attacks the host.. Humans spread and lay waste to the host i.e. the earth. Name one other species that degrade the state of the organism/earth as much...
  10. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    That makes no sense. If the human race would vanish from the earth at once, literally every other species left behind would thrive, including the earth itself. If one other species other than humans would disappear, lets say; bees.. That would have serious repercussions for the ecosystem...
  11. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    It's still way to vague to reply to. Are you trying to say that eating meat comes from necessity? Which isn't the case for most people on earth lest you're an eskimo.
  12. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    I don't see how that's of any relevance. Maybe elaborate
  13. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    What factors do you have in mind?
  14. YowYan

    Unsolicited Advice Thread

    If you look at the earth as a living organism, (which it is obv) you could see every human being as a cancer cell. Neutralize this fact for yourself by diving into permaculture and becoming an ethical vegan. :D