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  1. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    You're in luck not only can you use the popcorn bag as a barf bag, but popcorn reduces the amount of vomit available for expulsion.
  2. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    I'd say it's more a statement to convince them to "put out" rather than "breed", breed implies having children and judging by the amount of "deadbeat dads" out there dodging child support the men don't actually want the women to breed, just have 2 minutes of fun with them. Men are always...
  3. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    Elegant is generally a reference to an aesthetic style, whilst eloquence refers to persuasiveness of one's speech and the ability to convey one's ideas in an easily understood manner. The debate team put forth an argument of such eloquence that the opposing team was forced to concede. The...
  4. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    Troll? Me? Nah, Just pointing out a contradiction. If you mean asking about the misspelling however that's purely asking for clarification as to what you intended to say.
  5. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    I see, so now you're saying you do care? Seems I was right to call Shenanigans, he always sorts these things out. Good ol' Shenanigans. *Also did you mean eloquent or elegant? With that particular misspelling I can't decide which or I wouldn't care. Assuming eloquent, but it's closer to...
  6. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    Taking the time to answer a question means you care, at least a little. If you didn't care at all then you wouldn't even spend the briefest moment on it as you don't care of the result additionally you posed the thread to begin with thus to some degree you were involved at one point, being...
  7. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    Irrelevant honestly, if the statement is made that it's simply the majority that determines when change occurs at a whim then the paradigm wouldn't be what it is in the first place needing to change there also wouldn't need to be lengthy civil rights protests if it was simply the majority...
  8. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    Males are dominant because we live in a patriarchal society basically by definition of what a patriarch is the male is the 'head' of the household, but you can go through history and find various examples of matriarchal societies such as when Cleopatra rules Egypt. As unpopular an as an opinion...
  9. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    Absorb eh? Do I even want to know what you're 'eating' that you're absorbing it instead of eating it? I'm not even sure I want to know what you're using to absorb this mysterious 'food'.
  10. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    The idea of destiny goes back to if we have humans have free will at all and that's a philosophical question. If I told you to think of a city right now and you came up with one when exactly did you make the conscious decision to think of a city and when did you make the decision to chose the...
  11. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    Perhaps I do, but understanding the meaning of something doesn't excuse the phrasing of something. I'm saying it's indeterminate, you're never going to be able to fully remove outside predilection. For example build a society of only one *** and the traditionally male roles will be filled by...
  12. Vitis

    Is a woman's place in the kitchen?

    Aside from the title of the thread being extremely misogynistic there are certain things that each gravitate to at least to a degree, but that can and is influenced by any number of factors. If something is deemed normal for one *** or another to gravitate to then likely they're pushed that...