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  1. Vitis

    Obligatory intro thread

    Dio or Kamelot, consistently within my preferences so whilst I tend to pick and chose by performances rather than sing/band loyalty they're the ones likely to align with my preferences. Personally I wouldn't really consider Saw a 'horror' movie, more of a "thriller" area. Which version of It...
  2. Vitis

    Obligatory intro thread

    Nope, responding to the quoted questions.
  3. Vitis

    Obligatory intro thread

    Simple questions, but I'm afraid without simple answers for them, for brevity I'll say Cabin in the Woods and Xbox respectively, but I feel leaving it at such simplifications is misleading and thus an explanation for both may be in order. It's difficult to pick just one, a favorite now may not...
  4. Vitis

    Obligatory intro thread

    Have no idea who/what that is.
  5. Vitis

    Obligatory intro thread

    Been lurking for a few days not sure I was going to stick around or not, but decided to stop by every now and then and thus finally make a post. Not an avid anime fan, saw some of the anime featured as boards however. Primarily a gamer, dabble on rarely in photoshop, and enjoy horror movies as...