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    Fuging (030)

    Alucard shrugged mentally and travelled back on his platform. LLM
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    Fuging (030)

    Alucard finished flourishing with his Stake and put it back into his crimson robes. By all means, the tools are part of your soul so i suggest once you get on your little quest to gather up materials for it - pick wisely. I'll be heading back to Tobusekai. There's a place there that i need to...
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    Fuging (030)

    Alucard smirked towards Barneys Tanto. Sure, it would cut any persons throat unless they were enchanted but the tool he was carrying had the audacity of the Atavistic flames imbued into it. It served one single purpose and that was; To slay gods my dear Barney you will need something else than...
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    Fuging (030)

    Lilith waited for Barney to finish his bow before she ran over to hug him. When she finished with that she ran over to Panthalassa and hugged him too. Yokatta!! Are you alright? Lilith noticed on Panthalassa that he seemed to be a bit under the weather. Alucard would in the meantime reach out...
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    Fuging (030)

    Coming from [x] Alucard and Lilith arrived in Fuging where they were met with two friendly faces. They're alive!!! Lilith rushed towards the two of them while Alucard remained in her shadow and walked slowly towards the two. He grabbed his Godslayer stake within his robe to make sure it was...
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    Fuging (030)

    Coming from [x] Alucard & Cap arrived at the coast and traveled towards the lightning mountains. LLM
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    Fuging (030)

    Coming from [x] Alucard and his Edo marched inlands in hope of gaining intel. Instead, he saw two familliar chakra signatures. Isabella and Hawke? The coincidence was almost uncanny. Albeit he had no intention of getting involved in whatever they were doing - Alucard knew that he had Ryo to...
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    Fuging (030)

    Coming from [x] Alucard and the mercenaries would travel through the landscape and continue north. LLM.