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  1. Premfection

    :0 What was the most recent movie you've watched?

    The Suicide Squad Pleasantly surprised it was pretty good. Way better than the first one at least.
  2. Premfection

    :0 What was the most recent movie you've watched?

    Think mine was Godzilla vs Kong On Friday will be mortal kombat, really looking forward to that
  3. Premfection

    :0 What was the most recent movie you've watched?

    Earlier this week I watched the shawshank redemption and today the green mile. Yes it is the first time I ever watched them. Great movies
  4. Premfection

    :0 What was the most recent movie you've watched?

    The Iron Giant (rewatched)
  5. Premfection

    :0 What was the most recent movie you've watched?

    I rewatched The Joker
  6. Premfection

    :0 What was the most recent movie you've watched?

    I liked it, the only thing I didnt love was pennywise's spider form. Feel it couldve been a little more imaginative than pennywise clown head on a spider or some ish like that. I love everything else about both movies, especially the end quote/letter of IT chapter 2. All in all tho I think...
  7. Premfection

    :0 What was the most recent movie you've watched?

    Rewatched IT chapter 1
  8. Premfection

    :0 What was the most recent movie you've watched?

    Heard it was a lot like joker, might try it Also last movie I watched was the first deadpool movie, which I always like to put on every so often lol
  9. Premfection

    :0 What was the most recent movie you've watched?

    Sonic the hedgehog I've always been a huge sonic fan but I dont think anyone can argue against that the first trailer for the sonic movie was pretty off putting. Still the film ended up being pretty alright though.