Search results

  1. Pervyy

    Hachiman’s Bulwark (129)

    Mission Start Mission Rank: B Mission Objective: - Fight to stop the precious ore being stolen Horus arrived at the surface now away from the main fortress, he was ready to leave after all the trouble in that mine. What a pain in the ass just to get some ore. He headed down to the port...
  2. Pervyy

    Hachiman’s Bulwark (129)

    Mission Start Mission Rank: B Mission Objective: Learn about a unique ore and steal it. Heading down the central passage into the mines, the vibrating over tunnels could be felt more but he could now hear the sounds of drills growing closer. It would seem who ever was down here was searching...
  3. Pervyy

    Hachiman’s Bulwark (129)

    Mission start: Rank: B Mission element: Explore dangerous site for high quality ore Upon leaving Dabi, Horus decided rather than to go directly through the mines he would like to explore the depths to find materials of the highest quality to take back to the forge. As he looked he found old...
  4. Pervyy

    Hachiman’s Bulwark (129)

    [Coming from here] Horus and Dabi finally arrive at their destination, ready to look for the materials they needed to take the great smith to forge their new weapons. Horus turned to Dabi. "Well we are here. I assume you have your own agenda in order to attain your materials. I plan to head...