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  1. Morphorous

    First lucky country you'll visit after this pandemic?

    Yes, why? :oops: Pandemic is not really an impossible thing to happen, to be honest, I'm still glad that this pandemic isn't the worst of its kind that may happen to us considering we have now advanced technologies that an even worse man-made(or not) virus or what can be created or occur to...
  2. Morphorous

    First lucky country you'll visit after this pandemic?

    Oo boss haha! I have read somewhere that covid-19 will stay until late months of 2021 so I'm not even sure if everything will go back to normal as we hope it would.
  3. Morphorous

    First lucky country you'll visit after this pandemic?

    Wow! I'm sure you will love here, but for now, it's a risk going here to the Philippines, our covid case is getting worse every day.
  4. Morphorous

    First lucky country you'll visit after this pandemic?

    Hello guys! I'm so rooting for the vaccines that I can't get this thing out of my mind. I wanna travel again! So first I'll go after this pandemic is probably New Zealand! How about you fellow traveler? :)