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  1. GrapeApe

    [NEWS] teh hypocricy of some BLM protesters...

    Definition of integration 1: the act or process or an instance of intergrating: such as a: incorporation as equals into society or an organization of individuals of different groups (such as races) b: coordination of mental processes into a normal effective personality or with the environment...
  2. GrapeApe

    [NEWS] teh hypocricy of some BLM protesters... thats the issue, you dont understand the word assimilation. i was wondering like damn, but like i said, integrating doesnt equal cultural assimilation fam. this coconut shit is cultural assimilation, which -not- any of his beliefs. right now we are a society in the U.S. currently...
  3. GrapeApe

    [NEWS] teh hypocricy of some BLM protesters...

    i dont agree with assimilation either and i respect both of them equally. my point is thats not what MLK taught. his whole movement was about equal rights and freedom, not being a "coconut" to end segregation. thats silly and it -does- infact try to diminish his role in african american culture...
  4. GrapeApe

    [NEWS] teh hypocricy of some BLM protesters...

    ive read it and like i said i read his biography. he realized violence and anger blinds you, which is -exactly- what MLK felt and taught. during civil rights protests MLK told protestors to not let anger get in the way of what they were trying to do, that people will says slurs and anything else...
  5. GrapeApe

    [NEWS] teh hypocricy of some BLM protesters..., im not understanding this response. youre just repeating what i said but pretentiously and with personal biased but yo, the whole concept around what MLK spoke of was peace and equality, he found this through christianity being a baptist pastor, this is fact. Malcom X adopted that...
  6. GrapeApe

    [NEWS] teh hypocricy of some BLM protesters...

    well youre both wrong actually. Malcom X was killed by members of his -own- organization, the Nation of Islam who were black militants -after- he adopted King's values and started promoting peace, after King was assassinated and he visited Mecca and started seeing that Islam was all about peace...
  7. GrapeApe

    [NEWS] teh hypocricy of some BLM protesters...

    its not about minamoto. i didnt post this for minamoto, its for every and anyone who views this thread
  8. GrapeApe

    [NEWS] teh hypocricy of some BLM protesters...

    the difference is that protesting, doesnt equal black lives matter, its not black and white like that. there were people at protests that didnt give a damn and just wanted to capitalize and get free shit. there were people that wanted to ruin the protests and make them hostile, even police...