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  1. Filosoofis

    Risk Europe + asia and north africa

    Will try hosting some other time cause no one joined thanks for trying guys. Will ask a mod to delete the thread.
  2. Filosoofis

    Risk Europe + asia and north africa

    It is very easy. It is all about your tactics and pure luck. You choose a nation by saying how it is called the color you want and where to start. From that point you need to conquer the world. You could do so by yourself but also by having an alliance max 3 people but depends on how many...
  3. Filosoofis

    Risk Europe + asia and north africa

    Me neither :( added you. If we don't get enough people than we will have to postpone it to next week. But I am expecting PK,wabbit and oliver to play at the very least. Won't be playing myself will just host
  4. Filosoofis

    Risk Europe + asia and north africa

    Link with better view of the map Site where you can see the rolls made by wabbit. I think most people understand the rules already if not I will explain how it works. Left above on the map you see the values and rules of this certain...