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  1. Caliburn

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 964 Discussion and 965 Predictions

    I think revealing during this arc what happened in the Void Century was never on the table to begin with. That's kind of the entire point of following the Poneglyph. We will possibly receive some additional info, like in previous arcs, but the big reveal? No. It would divert too much from the...
  2. Caliburn

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 964 Discussion and 965 Predictions

    800 years? So she was born exactly when the Void Century ended. It's peculiar though the she is dressed like someone from Wano, has a name like someone from Wano, but apparently has never been to Wano and it was her wish since she was little (so a hellish long time ago) to go to Wano? It has...