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  1. Ańbu Juniør

    Aj vs Xylon

    As Mugetsu moves Sif and Solair fuse into a single entity and increase their size to five meters in height, all the while never losing track of their target. Keruberosu Mohō | The Cerebus Imitation They observed the black orb once thrown, and the dimming light didn't escape their notice...
  2. Ańbu Juniør

    Aj vs Xylon

    Let's hope so! (Yōton/Fuuinjutsu: Kokū no Zantō - Sorarisu) Yang Release/Sealing Art: Remnants of the Void - Solaris (Sagīnjōzu) - The Sanguine Maw (Ten'notsurugi: Mythos, Jinsei no Sāberu) Astrum Sword: Mythos, Vita Saber (Reference) [/SPOILER]10m apart (mid-range). 30m wide clearing on a...