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  1. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    "Hmm...I see, well then- we'll speak more about this another time. I have a God Slaying Tool myself, and I know where to send you to find one" she said stepping into the portal as she smiled. The trio left for Dawnport. LLM to Dawnport via Faye's Portal
  2. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    End of Mission Mirabelle heard Faye's suggestion and thinking on it for a moment, she looked at Kingsly. The monk shrugged his shoulders and smiled as he left the choice to his wife. He didn't mind either way and so the maiden turned to Faye and smile. "Well, it's entirely up to you Faye. I'll...
  3. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    Coming from: With the phantom vanquished for the time being, Mirabelle turned to Faye with a soft look in her eyes. "You've gotten stronger. That's good, now I can rest a little easier knowing I...
  4. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    This post begins a mission utilizing the following storyboard element(s): - Engage the evil spirit with Faye as a team (5) Mira’s body posture softened a bit as she heard Faye’s reasoning- but it still hurt. She believed her of course, but at times it still cant be denied on how she felt. One...
  5. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    Hearing Faye’s acceptance of the situation was hard, it swelled Mirabelle’s heart more than anything. The woman couldn’t accept the fact that a letter was all that was sent- to which Mirabelle scuffed a bit. She wasn’t wrong, she could’ve attempted to do something more but if only she knew what...
  6. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    Mirabelle would quietly and attentively listen to Faye’s excuses, and she wasn’t sure if to allow it to pass or reprimand her for it. Of course, she wasn’t wrong to a degree- but some kind of communication could have been established. The Jinchuriki exhaled, allowing a hint of blue flames to...
  7. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    As the duo was making their strides towards the Garden of Gods, Kingsly with his innate ability via his mode sensed someone approaching. He didn’t pay the person any attention at first, till he felt their presence seemingly deliberately following behind. It wasn’t until the maiden herself heard...
  8. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    Coming from: Mirabelle and Kingsly continues towards their destination LLM
  9. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    Coming from: Mirabelle passed through, heading closer to the beam of light. LLM
  10. Alyx

    Inner Cedar Forest (281)

    Coming from: Mirabelle continues in her journey, but a slight wave of irritation washed over her for some odd reason. "Hmm...oh well..." she thought and continued through the stormy lands. LLM