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  1. N

    China bans images of gay people on TV.

    What a splendid comparison, actually. Very well done, Tyris! I never thought about it that way before. Next time Mother and I go on a little date-hike, which is rarely because I'm not the outdoors type honestly, but the next time it happens, I'll treat it like an adventure. What a very sad...
  2. N

    China bans images of gay people on TV.

    Exactly. Jail cells are for murderers and psychopaths. Ordinary, normal people, like me and you, as well as the Chinese population, should be able to watch my show in comfort. PS: I like your avatar. Calvin and Hobbes was something Mother loved reading to me when I was younger. I learned quite...
  3. N

    China bans images of gay people on TV.

    I hope I was not one of those people for I imagine we have the same ideals. Equality for all, including when it comes to television, right? Besides, you seem to be a fan of Disney. Mother and I love fairytales. Sorry to go off on that minor ramble. Mother is out today having a little spa day I...
  4. N

    China bans images of gay people on TV.

    China, it seems we have come to a bit of an issue. I hope this is resolved very quickly, especially with the new season of my reality show, Bates Motel, debuting recently. Mother and I would love to perhaps visit one day and with these...restrictions, I feel offended, in all honesty. I hope you...