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  1. Brian Griffin

    China bans images of gay people on TV.

    Pedophiles also claim some little children love to be with old experienced people with their own free will(In some places law allow children to have *** change).they also want marriage rights in church,also show some historical examples (muhammad ) and animal examples.They also want to join with...
  2. Brian Griffin

    China bans images of gay people on TV.

    yes it does,pedophiles argue some children loves old people and its just like gay science and pedophiles are being discriminated against by children's parents.
  3. Brian Griffin

    China bans images of gay people on TV.

    Took some time to find this video,the real reason china is banning gay programs. "Zhang Muyi, a 24-year-old pop star from China, made shockwaves recently when he publicly declared his love for Akama Miki, a 12-year-old Canadian-based child model. The...
  4. Brian Griffin

    China bans images of gay people on TV. China banned gay propaganda on TV like putin,i doubt they are against gay lifestyle.Their are concerned how Gay shows will effect the mind of children.I personally don't like *** education for children. So is Pedophilia ( Bonobos,stoats,Lions)I am not...