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  1. ANiMUS

    Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

    Honestly what kind of religion did u learn from? :WAT: God can create a perfect set of standards, but I can guarantee you that imperfect ppl wouldn't be able to live up to it. The Jews took the law and at first only obeyed on and off between the following other gods and them turning to god...
  2. ANiMUS

    Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

    Are u talking about using the bible to say what the government should do now??? If so I never said anything regarding that. The government's job is to cater to the ppl. Religion is separate.
  3. ANiMUS

    Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

    Jesus died to cover the sin that Adam passed down to us. Johe 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. Without Christ dying for mankind our future would only be death. We...
  4. ANiMUS

    Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

    Like I said read the book. :| U r taking a few verses without knowing any of the context behind them. A person who stands in judgment over something he knows nothing about can only be seen as stupid. As for the law becoming obsolete Jesus christ was the one who stated it obsolete
  5. ANiMUS

    Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

    It wasn't done to be modern. The Jews had the opportunity to be god's chosen ppl and they failed. The mosaic law was made as #1 A protection (the law emphasized health standards such quarantine, cleanliness, and a lot of the food considered unclean (shrimp) was done for the Israelites own...
  6. ANiMUS

    Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

    You should really read the bible instead of taking bits and pieces. Because what u r referring to is the restriction that God put on the Jews when they were his chosen ppl. PArt of the mosaic law. After the death of Christ his followers moved away from the mosaic law and didn't put all those...
  7. ANiMUS

    Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

    U do realize that God isn't the one in control of this world right :| 1 John 5:19 We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." Satan even offers Jesus the kingdoms of the world for one act of worship. How can Satan offer Jesus something that...
  8. ANiMUS

    Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

    Acts 5:29 "We must obey god as ruler rather than men" If u r a Christian then it doesn't mean that u obey secular authorities to the point of betraying your faith and going against god's standards. God is always the supreme authority even though as a Christian we are obligated to abide by the...
  9. ANiMUS

    Kentucky Clerk Denies Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples

    Whatever feelings or religious opinions that clerk has regardless he is a state official and he must adhere by state law. If he doesn't like the duties of his job and his faith means that much to him then he should resign, but the law is the law and he has to do his job or step down so they can...