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  1. King Kendrick

    What if young people ruled the world

    lol . I see nothing in his post that goes by that definition of advertisement. He is simply telling us about his book he never tells anyone to buy it and frankly your opinion on wether he is advertising doesnt matter because with that announcement part (btw where'd you find that definition??) i...
  2. King Kendrick

    What if young people ruled the world

    GG . Nice to know you're inside his mind . Maybe next time say, " that's my inference ".
  3. King Kendrick

    What if young people ruled the world

    He is simply telling us to follow his facebook page for more info . I dont see any links to buy or him saying "buy my book".
  4. King Kendrick

    What if young people ruled the world

    Not advertisement . Hes simply given us news on a book that's coming out . ad·ver·tis·ing ˈadvərˌtīziNG/ noun the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services.