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  1. o0LadyAngel0o

    Hi there :)

    So, how is everyone on this fine evening... my time anyway, lol :D:b
  2. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    lol.. maybe whiskers seem to sissy, so to maintain his badassery he plucks them...which is even worse really... The kyuubi at a mirror plucking his whiskers.. lmao :lmao:
  3. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    "Oh crap!! Hang on guys, I have to go put my lines on...." lol
  4. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    Oh snap!! It did. Why does he have whiskers? Well like i said maybe hes just dirty all the time... lol But seriously, the nine tails does not have them... I have looked.
  5. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    I know right. How cool is the hidden cloud now. I bet you drive the guys wild :doug: Mwahaha!!
  6. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    The hidden cloud has an A-Team?!?! That .... Is.... Awesome...
  7. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    My goal is complete... We have reached maximum rediculosity. Mwahahaha!!!! :lmao:
  8. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    Holy crap! Minato is a jerk. But why did he seal kitty? Its not like she could TELL anyone!!! hahahaa
  9. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    LMAO... Kushina had to cheat on Minato... not the other way around...:rofl:
  10. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    Oh snap!!
  11. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    Hello Kitty?!?! He had to be drunk. Shes no looker... lol
  12. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    lol.. Thank you =DD I knew though :)
  13. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    I like your picture of Naruto and Hinata. How it should be. lol
  14. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    But its ladies first... hehe
  15. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    lol.. You thought that was a serious question? I said in my own post i was in a weird mood today. I started this thread to joke around and have a bit of fun. Chill out dude.. lol :silly:
  16. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    Makes sense.. when ever he does something sneaky he gets that little cat face.... lol
  17. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    How old are You?
  18. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's mytery whiskers

    So, has anyone figured out what the lines are on Naruto's face are? A birth defect from growing in the chakra of the kyubi or is he just always dirty? :lmao: lol, im sorry.....wierd mood today :shrug:
  19. o0LadyAngel0o

    please help

    how do i thank someone? :confused:
  20. o0LadyAngel0o

    Naruto's Advantage?

    :shy: Does knowing Sasuke personally and having knowledge of his personal life give Naruto an advantage? I mean thanks to Madara, Naruto knows everything. All the things that could send Sasuke into a rage filled attack without strategy. If Sasuke loses it and stops thinking about the battle and...