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  1. Rockspeed23

    Where is 591 come out

    is Kishi taking another break?
  2. Rockspeed23

    Kabuto's past

    and no manga this week is Kishi trying to lose his fans???
  3. Rockspeed23

    Fillers fillers fillers

    Is there really anything else to talk about other then the fillers suck
  4. Rockspeed23

    **** fillers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fu fillers
  5. Rockspeed23

    So the manga is over???

    No more mangasteam no one else has it or will have it. I guess the manga is over.
  6. Rockspeed23

    [Predictions] Naruto 573

    If that happends I will quit reading Naruto I've had enough of this BS names thing for 3 chapters its time for some Tobi vs Naruto action or some Naruto vs Tobi talking maybe Sasuke does something. That would make a good chapter
  7. Rockspeed23


    that was the worst chapter I've ever seen. Is that the best they can come up with. Naruto you had a good run.
  8. Rockspeed23

    Manda more evil the Kyubii now

    I remember it was asked not that long ago who was more evil Manda vs Kyubii. It was a landslide for the Kyubii because people said that the Kyubii is pure hatred where as Manda is just a snake. However I feel different I think the Kyubii is bad @ss and doesn't take any garbage but he has never...
  9. Rockspeed23

    What was the most boring chapter you've ever read

    I'm going to say 569 was the worst chapter I've ever read especially after a two week break. What was the most disapointing chapter for you guys?
  10. Rockspeed23

    When does the manga come out

    It should be out by now its been 3 weeks.
  11. Rockspeed23

    Yep Kyubii will show Naruto NOTHING

    because there will never be a 568 so I guess the story ends right there garbage.
  12. Rockspeed23

    should be reading Hajime Ippo

    That manga has come out with two chapters before Naruto has came out with one what is the problem.
  13. Rockspeed23

    I know he is on my sig but how does he rank

    Really he isn't my favorite character I was just trying to think of someone somebody didn't already have. However I now feel the need to ask where does Suigestu rank on the evil list. Is he more evil then Sasuke? how does he compare to Tobi (we all know Tobi is stronger but who is more ruthless?)
  14. Rockspeed23

    new series of revenge and Sasuke

    there is this new series on TV called revenge where this girl is practically Sasuke killing everyone even innocents over what a few people did. However the difference is people think Sasuke is going to pay for what he is done and this girl is supposed to be some type of hero.
  15. Rockspeed23

    Who corrupt Sasuke more?

    Orochimaru or Madara I personally think it was Orochimaru. When Naruto sees Sasuke for the first time Sasuke tried to kill both him and Sakura without hestiation. At least in the Kage arc he was willing to talk to them. Anyways Sasuke is definately a bad dude now because he wants to kill...
  16. Rockspeed23

    Do you think Minato was Itachi's friend or mentor

    Itachi was once the leader of the anbu black ops and Minato was the Hokage. It also seems like Itachi had a great deal of respect towards Minato. Do you think Minato was his mentor or friend?
  17. Rockspeed23

    Question about Karin's personality and a little about Suigetsu

    There is a part in the manga where Sasuke is starting to go blind and Karin asks Sasuke if he is ok. Sasuke of course says "yeah." However what if Sasuke was going blinder then that and was vurnable. Like if he suddenly went blind completely and Karin asks the same question and Sasuke says "I'm...