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  1. mess_enger_guy

    Manga 426 by Desi-kun

    Hey friends, Myself (most friendly) and Kakuzoo (rudest on base) have started a scanlation group called Desi-kun. You can download our release of Manga 426 from the following links: You can also read the...
  2. mess_enger_guy

    [Predictions] What will happen to Kakashi in the next manga?

    Manga 423 has left us all Kakashi fans wondering what is going to happen to our beloved Kakashi in the next manga. I personally have to possibilities in my mind, Kakashi can go blind or he's just playing with Pain. Please present your opinion by voting and discussing about the fate of Kakashi...
  3. mess_enger_guy

    who is strong?

    Of course, thats why she was chosen as the hokage and not kakashi...
  4. mess_enger_guy

    Errors in Manga 420?

    As many of you have noticed, there seem to be two errors below on page 8 of Manga 420. 1. Pain is wearing Konoha's headband! 2. Kakashi seems to have activated his MS! I personally just think that these are drawing errors but there are others who wouldn't...