Search results

  1. Cam

    4K TV worth buying?

    Ever since I've seen a 4K TV in the stores with it's crystal clear clarity, sharpness and smooth motion, I've always wanted to buy one. They are very expensive though, so it took me months and months to save up the money to buy it, but now that I do have the money I'm getting tons of mixed...
  2. Cam

    Last Movie Marks End of Series

    I figured something interesting about the last movie and the series. Now this is just theory to when EXACTLY the series might end (or the beginning of something new). According to Shonen The last movie is going to end off the series and it's coming out on 6th December this year. Normally there...
  3. Cam

    Assassin's Creed Full Sync Question

    I'm currently trying to get 100% full sync in AC4, this is full game completion so not just the main missions, but all collectibles, side activities etc. I'm doing the same thing with all past AC games too, but in AC2 or I think it was AC:B, apparently there are some things Desmond needs to...
  4. Cam

    CMD popup on Startup

    So whenever I start my computer this unusual cmd popup appears on startup then disappears again after a few seconds. I think this started when I installed Fifa 14 about a week ago and just never left. Does any one know how I can get rid of it? I print screened a picture below.
  5. Cam

    The Silmarillion Discussion

    Since The Hobbit movie came out my eagerness to find out what happens next could not be controlled, so there I went and just read the book. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to read LOTR next, since I had already watched the movies for the umpteenth time just before The Hobbit movie came out...
  6. Cam

    Who sings this song?

    I heard this song on the radio today, it's an old classic that I know from a long time ago, but somehow I just cannot find the artist who sings it. The only part of lyrics I can remember are these here: "Won't you give a little love this time, let me hold you in my arms (right now) ...I need...
  7. Cam

    [Theory] Naruto VS Sasuke - Not Happening!

    I don't think this inevitable fight that we are all waiting so passionately for is going to happen anymore. But... 1. Didn't Naruto say, next time they meet they will fight? Take a look at the current situation of the war, why would Sasuke want to fight Naruto at a time like this? Since there...
  8. Cam

    Favourites To Win BPL 2012/2013 (Football)

    So after seeing the clubs current forms, updated squads, new transfers with these couple opening games, who do you think are the favourites to win this seasons 2012/2013 Barclays Premier League? So Far it seems Chelsea are really on the roll, especially with Edin Hazard being a real hazard for...
  9. Cam

    84th Academy Awards (Oscars)

    Best Motion Picture of the Year WINNER The Artist (2011): Thomas Langmann Nominees: The Descendants (2011): Jim Burke, Alexander Payne, Jim Taylor Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011): Scott Rudin The Help (2011): Brunson Green, Chris Columbus, Michael Barnathan Hugo...
  10. Cam

    People Still Don't Know Naruto

    Check this out guys... lol it got a vote and 24 people rated it as good!
  11. Cam

    Respect Thread

    I've noticed that a lot of people seem to be complaining about other members insulting them when they give their opinion. This is happening a lot lately and there are people that are even recieving negative rep for absolutely pointless reasons. This is really not fair, we shouldn't be insulting...
  12. Cam

    Both Manchester's and Both Milan's Kits??

    I'm sure you all noticed that Both the Manchester's, Manchester United and Manchester City's new away kits look similar to the two Milan's, Ac Milan and Inter Milan's home kits. Manchester United Manchester City Inter Milan AC Milan Manchester...
  13. Cam

    Masashi Kishimoto's Earliest Interview

    I've been searching for a while now where Kishi says Naruto is going to be a 3 part series since I posted on a thread that he said that and people didn't know what I was talking about. I couldn't find it anywhere :( and starting to think that it wasn't really an interview. I stumbled on one of...
  14. Cam

    Awesome Naruto/X-Men Trailer

    EwKIKsWBgGc&feature=related I just saw this and thought I might share it with everyone.
  15. Cam

    Naruto Made from TEXT

    _§_§§_______§__§_____§§____§________________ ____________§___§§§____§___§__§§_____§_________________ ____________§_____§§§_§____§_§§______§______§§_________ _____________§_______§§_____§________§__§§§§_§_________ _____________§_______________________§§§_____§_________...
  16. Cam

    Interesting Facts About Naruto 2

    Thank you to everyone for all the great comments in the previous thread, I was really glad that everyone, well mostly everyone liked it :). I promised a part 2 that's got to do with all the characters so here it is. Once again some of you might have known all this already, but this is here for...
  17. Cam

    Interesting Facts About Naruto

    Hey there fans I'm so glad to be back on the base I wasn't able to login again till now :rolleyes:. Now that I'm happy to be back I decided to post something nice for you all to read. I found some really interesting facts about Ninjas that are related to Naruto in general. Kishimoto Masashi did...
  18. Cam

    SO6P Truly the beginning?

    Sorry for my mind puzzling threads but hey these things are on my mind. Ok so we know that the Sage of six paths started this whole ninja/ninjitsu power thing. That was stated by Jiraiya and Madara. So if he started this whole thing then where did he get it from? how was he capable of...
  19. Cam

    What is a Sage EXACTLY??

    ok we all know or should know that a Sage is someone that allows the user to sense and gather the natural energy around a person. Senjutsu practitioners can then learn to draw the energy of nature inside of them blending it with their own chakra, adding a new dimension of power to the sage's...
  20. Cam

    Hey There

    Hi everyone at Naruto Base I'm new, I feel so excited like a kid in a candy store weird :D