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    Why has no one mentioned

    I've noticed lots of talk about the new villains but no one's mentioned that they're in Kaguyas dimensions. If it's not her dimension it has to be an area unique to the villains kamui

    Why Madara still lives

    It was stated by Kurama extraction of the ten tails will not kill the host , instead they fall into a coma like rest. So imo Madara is still alive not sure if he's the new villain. I seriously doubt after all he went thru he's still bad.

    How did Spiral Zetsu hold off the entire Shinobi Alliance?

    We'll see when it's animated I know there gonna go into further detail.

    The main reason I just cant respect Sasuke

    How you gonna let Naruto do the bulk of the fighting to save the world, come out of left field and be like now I'm taking control of this world, killing your mentors, friends, and by the way you're like my best friend but I'm killing you too Oh yeah happy bday. It just sounds so bi**h. I truly...

    Uchiha are logical yet Sasukes plan lacks logic

    My argument stems from 2 of Sasukes statements. The first statement and I'm paraphrasing is I don't need Naruto to release IT. This leads me to believe he plans to release IT. This creates the issue with the second statement, I will erase the past. You can't truly erase the past being that the...

    War arc king,narutos just more respectable

    First off I'm not with none of that fanboy s***. I'm just looking at the stats of the war as I see them. I'll start with Sasuke. 1. Yeah bruh I'll help you kick Kabutos ass and end his ET. 2. A Orochimaru help me revive the Kage we're gonna need em. 3. Yeah Naruto I'll help you kick the 10...

    Kakashi's face revealed-THEORY

    I believe we will only see Kakashi's face on kage mountain. Kakashi will more than likely be the sixth hokage. It's then when we'll see his face. This makes since because Kakashi hides his face out of shame of his fathers deeds. I believe Kakashi looks just like his father and by revealing his...

    Kaguyu's not done

    If she's finished what is the point of Hagoromo's jutsu? All I can think of is ending IT, but if that happens it would take away yet another moment for Sasuke to shine. Ending IT should be Sasuke's big feat.

    my big f****** I told you so

    Some idiots argued me that Sasuke couldn't swap places with a person which makes his eye the ultimate defense because like I stated before he can wait for an attack to get close and swap positions with the enemy using their attack as his own My other point was Kakashi's susanoo has a scar and...
  10. OG9TAILS

    Why Kurama is the most unique beast for dummies

    1.He senses evil intention/emotions granting the ability to know friend from foe, a crucial piece of the ninja life. 2. His chakra reserves and ability to regenerate chakra is ridiculous. And last but far from least 3.Kurama is one of the three ingredients needed to reach SOSP level. As stated...
  11. OG9TAILS

    Sasuke time to shine

    I believe the only reasons Sasuke's feats have been minor is as simple as spirit and body. What I mean is Naruto has thrived in the fight against Kaguya's physical form. Now that she's shifted I believe Sasuke's abilities will come more into play. On a side note I also believe Sasuke hasn't...
  12. OG9TAILS

    Kakashi's PS is not Obito's or a copy of Sasuke's

    My only proof with the current facts is the last scan of 688. Kakashi's PS has the same scar as him and the facial features are different than Sasuke's which has holes in the jaw area.
  13. OG9TAILS

    Sasuke's left eye greatest defence in naruto

    Though Sasuke hasn't shown his full ability yet it's clear that his left eye is not to be f***ed with. But for those who dont get it I'll explain. Say for instance the enemy launches a massive attack your way you could easily wait til the last moment and swap places with the enemy. Making...
  14. OG9TAILS

    What is Spiral Zetsu up to?

    IT should have no affect but more importantly where does his allegiance lie.
  15. OG9TAILS

    The key to Naruto's survival

    I believe Naruto used the 3 tails, and what's the 3 tails specialty? GENJUTSU. Not written in stone but I think it holds some weight.
  16. OG9TAILS

    Madara already escaped kaguya?! A theory

    This is a short and simple theory but one I believe holds weight. So here we go when Madara lands on the battlefield speaking of how he will end this battle, Kishi puts emphasis on him tapping the ground I believe this is the moment Madara made his escape. Or transported a piece of himself to...
  17. OG9TAILS

    Why madara can use kumai

    It all boils down to one thing, senjutsu. Obito was not a sage when he became the jubbi jin. I believe this hindered his abilities and also caused his more juubi like appearance. Just my thoughts.
  18. OG9TAILS

    the true meaning of Madara's impalement

    There's 3 reasons for Madara's impalement. 1.Obito is literally stealing Juubi chakra from Madara not completely just enough to contend. 2.To warp them away with kumai. 3.Yet the most important reason is to destroy the Hashirama face, the attacks placement was no accident.
  19. OG9TAILS

    Why is it so hard for people to accept the facts?

    What's up with all these dumba***s saying Minato doesn't, didn't, or never used sage mode? Pa frog stated something along the lines that Naruto had surpassed the two before him. Those two are clearly Jaraiya and Minato, the second was always somewhat a mystery but 665 just confirmed it. I know...
  20. OG9TAILS

    What has sasuke really done?

    Sasuke has saved the war to be honest. The first step was stopping edo tensei. The second was bringing Orochimaru back who then brought back the kages. No kages equals lost war plus a dead Naruto because Minato contains Kuramas other half and by saving Naruto he's helped sace the world.