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  1. Vendair

    D. Gray Man. Anyone else?

    I just recently started reading it the other day (now on Chapter 61 page 6) and I think it's pretty awesome even though I'm atheist (I was told I'd probably wouldn't like it because of the religious involvement but I have feeling many religious people wouldn't approve). I was just wondering if...
  2. Vendair

    Which Kage would be the winner?

    So if the 5 Kage had 1 vs 1 tourni where they each fought each other once each, which one do you think would come out with the most wins? Hokage-Tsunade Kazekage-Gaara Mizukage-Mei Raikage-A Tsuchikage-Onoki and we'll say at their prime and no help from others (hence 1 vs 1) and at a...
  3. Vendair

    who would you pick?

    you're mentioning of Jiraiya and the pic of Pein made think "Why not do a series on the Hidden Rain orphans and their teachings under Jiraiya"
  4. Vendair

    who would you pick?

    or he grew up in town full of goody goodies and ended up going berserk and killed them all and taking all of their souls and exchanging them for immortallity
  5. Vendair

    who would you pick?

    well my favorite character is Shikamaru but my other two top favorites are Deidara and Hidan and they would probably hold up more interesting stories then Shikamaru (Hidan's story definitely could not be transformed into a kids version)
  6. Vendair

    Top 10 Naruto Characters

    Naruto is the main should be rare that the main character is your favorite in anime. Favorites are usually characters you like wether it be the specials they use (like Sai's art) or their personality (like Sai's snarkiness) so yeah Sai is cool just not in my top ten
  7. Vendair

    Top 10 Naruto Characters

    1. Shikamaru 2. Deidara 3. Hidan 4. Anko 5.Asuma 6.Kakashi 7.Konan 8.Temari 9.Pein 10.Tobi (only when pretending to be Tobi)
  8. Vendair

    Turbo controllers on Storm 2

    Is anybody else annoyed when they come across players NSUNS2 clearly using turbo controllers so they can just hold R2 or L2 to teleport everytime an attack comes toward them? or am I the only one that comes across this problem?
  9. Vendair

    Should Storm 2 get DLC?

    I think some DLC for NSUNS2 for some new (or old) characters would be great. what does everyone else think?
  10. Vendair

    Awkward but Deadly Jutsu Combos

    Okay one I have thought of is what if Kakashi combined Raikiri with Thousands Years of Death?O.O Anyone want to comment on that or have any other awkward jutsu combos that may or may not be deadly?