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  1. jyinaruXhina876

    The Naruto Uzumaki FC

    I LOVE NARUTO!!! :).... D best character ever!
  2. jyinaruXhina876

    Random Couples FC

  3. jyinaruXhina876

    Naruto x Hinata FC

    NaruHina will be forever! NaruSaku will be fornever!
  4. jyinaruXhina876

    Hey all! I'm jyinaruXhina! =)

    Hi! As YoU cAn SeE mY nAmE iS jyinaruhina! :)... If you are looking for a friend, I'm here! and if you want to be friends... then you can add me! <3 I luv hanging out with my friends and family!