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  1. sandshark

    Can Sakura really kill Sasuke?

    Um no.... That much is very obvious. Besides a kage or Naruto (and Madara or Zetsu I guess) Sasuke is pretty much unmatched. Even with Kiba and Sai with her I doubt they could do anything.
  2. sandshark

    will sasuke stay with sakura ?

    Well they were never they can't really stay with each other now can they XD
  3. sandshark

    Naruto Next Jutsu

    Well i'm thinking (and hoping) for ~Some space time jutsu ~Wind or some other element ~Mabye some sage B/c right now he has virtually no variety. Not good in a fight. Although he does well with what he has.
  4. sandshark

    who is the strongest right now? good or bad.

    1-Madara 2-KillerBee 3-Naruto 4-Sasuke 5-Uh Mizukage :p
  5. sandshark

    who put it?

    Lol yeah... that was first chapter man. time for some re reads! :p
  6. sandshark

    Whats wrong with Naruto?!!!

    Well he might not be ignoring her. Kishi probably hasn't decided what to do with that situation yet. The last thing he wants is to piss off huge amounts of fans who may favor a different pairing. He needs to think so he doesn't jump straight to it. Also time in manga is weird. It could be a few...
  7. sandshark

    you think who jutsu is the best?

    Pein's Jutsu were pretty sweet not gonna lie.
  8. sandshark

    Who will marry Sasuke Uchiha?

    OMG you sound like a broken record you've said that like 86 times in the past two pages. Everyone gets your point. :p
  9. sandshark

    How well will Sakura feel about marrying Sasuke?

    Lol someone is obsessed with SasSaku. I doubt she'll marry Sasuke so she really can't have feelings about it. Come on after three years would you wait for the same person. No, that's obsessive. And besides it's an action manga romance takes a backseat. :rolleyes:
  10. sandshark

    Who will marry Sasuke Uchiha?

    Lol it's true. Sasuke's not going to make it through the manga. Besides why would Sakura obssess about one boy for three years :rolleyes: everyone moves on.
  11. sandshark

    why the rumor?

    Gr you got to it first XD but it's true
  12. sandshark


    Lol. Well the name of the series is NARUTO after all :p Oh well the movie has nothing to do with the manga, anime, or anything else.
  13. sandshark

    Obito or not? -_-.

    Yeah he's not Obito. I there eyes don't match up and Obito was crushed under a crap load of bolders.
  14. sandshark

    8 Tails

    Exactly. It's not so much a matter of forcably controling one or the other but working together. Mr. Kyuubi skipped out on manner school i guess...
  15. sandshark


    Look at this site it'll tell you what you want to know Hand Seals Guide
  16. sandshark

    Who is the strongest character in Naruto Shipuden?

    Madara. With Naruto, Sasuke, and Killerbee right behind him. So I guess I would go 1-Madara 2-Killerbee 3-Naruto/Sasuke
  17. sandshark

    I was wondering

    That's a good question. To be honnest I'm not sure. I think some of the higher gates would give the Sharingan some trouble, not because they can't see them but because there bodies simply can't move as fast as a person using the gates.
  18. sandshark

    who's the funniest?

    Lol Tobi or Guy for sure. Tobi's a good boy! XD