Search results

  1. MaryanUchiha

    What do you expect before Naruto ends?

    So a lot of people are concluding that Naruto (manga) will end this year so I wanna hear your thoughts on what you're expecting to see, what you want closure from or what you want answered. Here is my list: 1) Obito's closure. Closure for both him and Kakashi. (Hopefully maybe give him his...
  2. MaryanUchiha

    Plot Hole on Konahamaru's dad

    I just wanted to address this. I know people claim that Naruto has a lot of plot holes but I don't believe this to be true. People claim things like how it was impossible for Obito to give Nagato his rinnengan if Nagato is older but that was just people who got their facts mixed up. (Madara gave...
  3. MaryanUchiha


    I've been creeping on NarutoBase for the past few months and never thought to make an account until yesterday. I'm new here so I just wanted to say hi:) Wish me luck!