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  1. donnic

    Oh English, why art though so weird.

    Has anyone ever thought how weird english is? i had not till i read this Post (easyier to read aloud): Lead Rhymes with Read, and Read Rhymes With Lead. However, Lead does Not Rhyme with Read, and read does not Ryme with Lead. Also one can sea and understand what people our saying know matter...
  2. donnic

    The last movie link

    here is the link for those who have yet to see it. its english SUBB with JAPENESE AUDIO not that korean crap and its not a cam rip either. QUETION.
  3. donnic

    Naruto movie

    ok so i found the last on kirean dubbed and english subbed but i can not find it it japense with english subbed? can somone explain to me HOW THAT MAKES sense? also any idea when we might see japenses with english subbed?
  4. donnic

    Naruto: The Last movie beginning intro music

    dont know, the movie it self is good quality (granted i only say first few moments before i turned it off due to it being korean) its just i refused to watch it in korean dubbed, english subbed. i can give you link ifyou want it
  5. donnic

    Naruto: The Last movie beginning intro music

    i smell a troll
  6. donnic

    Naruto: The Last movie beginning intro music

    i would like to see the movie, that not a cam rip or korean dubbed
  7. donnic

    Naruto the last movie

    so by any chance has there been a release yet of the naruto: the last movie yet in english subs online. and please i do not want a camera rip version since its all to shaky and outside noise can be heard. i was unable to find it but then again i will admit i suck at finding stuff on the internet
  8. donnic

    The last in english?

    so i heard the the last would play in america on the 20 and 21st but im really surprised i have not seen anyone talk about seeing it. has anyone seen in in the movies yet? and any bets when we will see in online?
  9. donnic

    50shades of grey

    anyone know where i can watch 50 shades of grey on streaming? i do not trust download
  10. donnic

    I cried tears of joy and laughter

    made my year ENJOY LEAVE COMMENTS! I enjoy reading them.
  11. donnic

    Which of these villians has the most humorous personality

    as title says, who had the most humorous personality IN YOUR OWN OPINION out of this list, and if you want to add why say why. 1.Hidan 2.Tobi 3.Deidara
  12. donnic

    the last as a novel in english?

    so as i am sure you are all aware people in japan got a novel version of the movie which was basically screen shots with captions but i am really surprised we have not gotten a scanned version of them yet. any guesses why this is?
  13. donnic

    need help finding another naruto

    so i am trying to find a new series to read along with bleach and OP and honestly i would not mind reading another one similiar to naruto (but would not mind if it is was more grown up) i looking for a long series that is NOT ENDED, has great character designs as well as characters, good...
  14. donnic

    premium thread??

    so i see this thread "premium chat" in the popular box but when i click on it it says i can not access it. as far as i know there is no premium membership on the base, so am i just suffering a glitch or what?
  15. donnic

    fill in the story for this older picture of sakura/sasuke's kid

    so found this picture and i thought it looked really bad ass and thought it would be fun to see peoples opinions on how she got this strong. assuming people are willing to write it.
  16. donnic

    looking for NaruHina -repost-

    so i postthis before but noone reall answered, which was probably due because i publlished the thread at a odd time. so i am going to try my luck one more time. i have been hearing that there are alot of really good fanfics out covering naruhina since last week. does anyone know one? if so...
  17. donnic

    Where can i Find NaruHina?

    SO bite me i like the shipping, and i have been hearing that there are alot of really good fanfics out covering naruhina since last week. does anyone know one? if so please send me a link either by forum or private message but please keep in mind i am only interested in ones that cover AFTER ch...
  18. donnic

    So why is this real? WHY!?!?!?!?!

    so i read that a group of people were so mad at the naruto ending that they are seeking out to have in forever bann from US soil...... I am very disappointed in how rude these people are to kishi and his story that he put in 15 years of his life into and they try and pull this crap
  19. donnic

    so when the movie comes out does that mean....

    so when the movie comes up to us in subbed, which if history shows us anything, will be in a year. does that mean that the anime will be over as well thus Nothing to look forward to....
  20. donnic

    The last as a Graphic Novel

    I read somewhere that the movie was also going to be put in graphic novel form. Assuming this source is in fact true. Is there a difference between graphic novel and a manga or is it the same?