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  1. Deidara Bocchi

    Who's your favorite female ninja in Naruto?

    KonanananananananananananaN !
  2. Deidara Bocchi

    Where'd the gold come from? [spoilers]

    In his underwear.
  3. Deidara Bocchi

    [Predictions] Storm 3 Update

    Lmfao ! :rofl: Darui sucks bro.
  4. Deidara Bocchi

    One last Sasuke upgrade?

    Take it easy guys. both of you are acting like retards. One is attempting to act like a smart person and the other is just replying to the wanna be smart guy. Just take it easy. lol
  5. Deidara Bocchi

    Hello Everyone ^_^

    Hello. :)