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  1. N

    Indra's Arrow

    So I was was watching the Sasuke vs Deidara fight and thought about the end of the manga. With elemental advantages fresh in my mind I went to Narutopedia and looked up Indra's arrow and sure enough I was correct in thinking that it was infused with Sasuke's lightning element. It pains me to...
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    is guys dad really a genin

    pretty much this /thread
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    is guys dad really a genin

    The Akatsuki originated in the mist, the swordsmen are nowhere close. Also, without the 8 gates Gai could never take on Madara alone. That's the power of the 8th gate.
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    Something overlooked in 667

    Not really a big deal, but with Obito and Kabuto not on Madaras side, what could Tenten be doing? I know its not possible to give everyone screen time in the manga, but it mentions she has something to do. I think she is going to get the Sages tools that Madara spit out.
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    It's about time... 8th gate of death!

    Page 18 on manga 666. Right above naruto. On my phone so I don't wanna post pics. Here's a link though. Look at my old threads I've been waiting for this for a long time.
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    [Discussion] Am I missing something here? Madara can apparently do anything.

    So how was Madara able to break free of Shukaku and Gaara's seal if he didn't have his other eye until the end of the chapter?
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    Small detail that supports Naruto becoming hokage

    So a while back i made a thread about how Kishi foreshadows almost everything that is major in the plot, which can be read here. Anyhow, based on this logic i believe Naruto will become hokage based on the fact that throughout the series he repeatedly said "How can i become hokage if I can't...
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    [Theory] Possible misconception of obito and kakashi fight

    Okay I have been reading threads about how Obito doesn't have a heart and he is utilizing senju cells, and i saw one thread that theorized Obito using kamui on his own heart. Well i believe none of this happened and here is why. That explains the last pannel on this page As well as the first...
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    What if sasuke killed sakura

    If sasuke kills sakura, then sakura will die.
  10. N

    Sage mode question

    Okay so I was reading in another thread the people thought Hashis sage mode was alum sage mode or hawk sage mode, but I don't really care if they were serious or not it got me wondering... Are there different types of nature energy? Because naruto and pervy sage were toad sages, Kabuto was...
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    [Question] Rep help

    How do i give rep? I read in another thread there should be a little green flag... i see no such thing. For the love of god someone help me before i go crazy.
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    Left us hanging

    So last i checked Tsunade got kinda ripped in half, but her last words were she can still save the remaining kage... so did she fail to do so? Am i missing something here? That was a while ago and we got to see the the previous hokage (whom have been dead for a while) brought back into the story...
  13. N

    Dont hate, this is some funny stuff

    I know a lot of people don't like fillers/spinoffs/movies but give this a shot will ya? i mean this s***t is hilarious. Mainly 8:30 and 13:30, could not stop laughing
  14. N

    The bottom of the food chain

    forgot about yamato, he is another exception. also sorry for not being specific---- I'm talking about konoha active anbu with plot characters as exceptions Shit I'm bad at double posting, sorry I dunno how to delete from my ipad
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    The bottom of the food chain

    so true! I lol'd
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    The bottom of the food chain

    theoretically they may not be, but i have yet to see or even hear of evidence that they did anything useful
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    The bottom of the food chain

    So yeah, I have come to the conclusion that the most worthless entities in naruto are none other than..... The only thing i have seen them sucessfully complete was the killing/paralyzing of a tiger lion whatever. They get shown up by genin... GENIN thoughts?
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    who is going to be the final villian of naruto

    I love this guy. I have been saying this to my friend since we found out obito.
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    Oops I forgot to post here

    Hello! I forgot to post here after I joined. Better late than never :) Konnichi wa!
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    Kishi seems to do this often... What are your thoughts??

    can you post the page? I have a bad memory its all good, thread's still a baby