Search results

  1. IzunaUchiha

    Superman Or batman?

    Superman VS. Batman! Alright so this has been a debate that has been going on for years! Who do you think would win in a fight using their full abilities and potentials? Mind you leaving comic book fights between them out of the picture. This sounds unfair however. "Writers have to dumb down...
  2. IzunaUchiha

    Calibri Uzumaki The Rat Summoner

    Calibri Uzumaki: The legendary journey Issue 1: The Beginning of the rat summoner! Hi, my name is Calibri Uzumaki! My mother and father I have never met, I am on a journey to find out who they where and why they left me. I was found on a forest on an island by an old hermit named Jirayia...
  3. IzunaUchiha

    Izuna House party!

    Welcome! Welcome to my house! thank you guys for showing up have a couple drinks grab a friend and socialize with your other NB members! there is one rule!
  4. IzunaUchiha


    Alright i realize this is an old series however I just started it and enjoy it a lot! is there anyone here that watches it and if you do or have watched it, what do you think? and are there any other series that are similar?
  5. IzunaUchiha

    Game of the year! (opinion)

    Alright Guys! CLASH OF ZOMBIES????!!!! Have you played clash of clans? This game is exactly like it except instead of goblins its zombies. Best part is you get characters like Madara,Ichigo,and GOKU?!?!?! there are more characters than that you can get as well but still. I dont know if you...
  6. IzunaUchiha

    Man Spends Over $100k to look like Justin Bieber

    First that's weird secondly. Why Beiber? Third it went terribly
  7. IzunaUchiha


    Any one play halo 4?
  8. IzunaUchiha

    un official training open to all

    alright any one can join this training if they want this is just me going on a small mission through the mountains to get back into the shape of things... so who dares to join me?? *jumps straight up into the air on a tree branch above, as i tie a net to the branch dropping the net down, i jump...
  9. IzunaUchiha

    [Technical Issue] Profile Recovery

    Alright So my UzumakiJake profile its been forever since ive been on I cant remember the pass or the email hahaha. So i cant logg in any way I can get a mods help? I can answer any question needed to get the info i need if its possible
  10. IzunaUchiha

    izuna uchiha aka uzumakijake

    hey sorry guys im back from deployment, i dont have internet yet but i got my droid so thats how ill get on the forums for a bit i got married and eagre to get back into the groove of things
  11. IzunaUchiha

    Izuna Trains

    *sits and waits for sempai while playing with a stick in the dirt*
  12. IzunaUchiha

    Killer bee, Yay, or nay?

    yeah u got a point i will think about that next time
  13. IzunaUchiha

    Killer bee, Yay, or nay?

    Alright Killer bee has some mad rhymes but are any of them good? What is your take on killer bee's lyrics? Do you think he will be able to make a career out of rap?
  14. IzunaUchiha

    Konoha Life! Newest FanFic Magazine!

    ] Cover Konoha Life! the New magaizine to give you all the little dirty details of all Konoha's finest. On page one you will learn a little bit about sakura's late night with sasuke ;) Sakura's Dirty little secret I know alot of you where curious but today we give you a news breaking...
  15. IzunaUchiha

    Hottest actress on tv?

    Which celebs do you think is the hottest? Give me a list give me a reason give me a picture if you want to! just throw it out there! :) my #1: Erica Durance #2: Kristen bell #3: Mandy Moore #4: Katy Perry #5: Jessica beil #6: Jessica Simpson #7: Tyra Banks #8: Rihanna
  16. IzunaUchiha


    Alright I wan't to Spar i have ABSOLUTELY NO JUTSU so it will be with just the basic combat weapons. Im not very good at this so I will try my best if im messing up please anyone that see's it let me know and correct me openly so I can learn. Does any one want to fight? Bio: Light Yagami (Link...
  17. IzunaUchiha

    Smallville Series Finale!

    alright pepole all over the world have seen it already but where im at it comes on in an hour I am so excited who watches smallville and who has seen it?
  18. IzunaUchiha

    Mud Wrestling Ring

    Alright Ladies and Gentlemen!!! I bring to you Konoha's very first mud wrestling rink!!!!! And tonight you will witness the first time ever 3 girls getting together to rub up on each other and get dirty! While the girls are wrestling they need some emotional support so cheer for them guys! And...
  19. IzunaUchiha

    Izuna's House Of Sexy

    This is my house Izuna Uchiha, there are a few rules you must abide by before we get on with the tour of the house lets go through a few house rules. Rule Numer 1: Must Party Rule Numer 2: Must Have fun Rule Numer 3: If you break something make sure its not the TV and u make it at least look...
  20. IzunaUchiha

    Debate Of the Year All must SEE!!

    So I have hear alot about "The older members" The ones that where here a long time ago but dissapeared wether they migrated to another site or quit RP all together. Who knows maybe they live in the shaddows, Which ones Where the Greatest? Doesn't matter if you where here in their time off the...