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  1. S

    One Piece 'Ask a Question' Thread

    Re: The One Piece 'Ask a Question' Thread I don't know if it is free or not but that is where I watch all my One Piece.
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    One Piece 'Ask a Question' Thread

    Re: The One Piece 'Ask a Question' Thread I dont know if this has been asked yet...but here goes. The anime is doing the Z Ambition arc and the Z film just came out, are they basically the same thing like the Alabasta arc and Alabasta movie? Or are they two different things? I tried to find...
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    OMG! He-man is a pirate!!

    I was rewatching episode 479..and who did I spot 8 minutes in? He-man, Defender of the and yellow stripped leotards!!! I almost started choking. Who would have thought he would be a WB pirate in the OPverse. When you are watching WhiteBeard he runs...
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    [Spoilers] Bon-chan!!!!! Yah!!!

    BON-CHAN is...still ALIVE:D:D!!!! I did not see a thread about this happy fact and just thought to mention it here. If you cant tell he is one of my favorite OP characters, and when I saw that title page of one of the newest chapters I cheered! I can soooo see him being the new queen of Impel...
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    Who is

    Genma...and that is no toothpick but a senbon. It is made from metal and is very is a weapon that can be thrown(?spit) with great accuracy to intercept attacks or actually used to attack someone. It is not a toothpick.