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  1. ZeroCross2

    Does the zero tail exist?

    it dose exist but not related to the others
  2. ZeroCross2

    Sasuke, BA

    please watch, it's very good!
  3. ZeroCross2

    Sasuke's best show ever!
  4. ZeroCross2


    His bare feet touched the bark of the tree, he winched in pain as he sat hard next to the base of the tree, he origanally had a partner on this mission but the red haired ninja was lost behind enemy lines. A twig snaped off to his left, he quickly drew his last kunai from it's holster. The sound...
  5. ZeroCross2

    wich defense is stronger?

  6. ZeroCross2

    Adamantine Nyoi of the 3rd Hokage

    Who is better dedeira or sasori?
  7. ZeroCross2


    Hey, i guess