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  1. ikkaku madarame

    hawk vs. 8 tails discussion & poll

    what did you think about the fight? my opinion is that i'm a little disappointed to be honest... so many times one of them should have died... also him having to rely on amaterasu to win and him being able to extinguish it seems a little cheap the fight however seemed to be good on the part of...
  2. ikkaku madarame

    Konoha barber shop/hairdressers and beauty salon

    hi everyone welcome :D anyone can come and get a haircut or a shave here... and i am also taking on a few staff :D many various hairstyles you can have and if you are lucky enough you can have hair like mine ;)
  3. ikkaku madarame

    I am not bald!!

    hi i'm ikkaku the 3rd seat of captain zaraki kenpachi :D nice to meet you all :D