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  1. WoWvsNaruto

    Eyes everywhere

    Okay so im sorry if this was writen somwhere but i have a couple questions and i guess theorys. im going to keep this short. Madara died or almost died to the 1st hokage. durring that time he gained the rennigan, gave the rennigan to Nagato as a baby, and cloned Tobi out of (somoneone) and...
  2. WoWvsNaruto

    [Theory] Sasuke and Naruto

    Couple little theorys here if someone has said this allready, sorry i would add pictures and stuff but im at work so im gunna make this short. So6p : body/clothes -Horns (wtf is that about) -chakra Necklace(has a name, dont know it) -Cloak -controled 10 tails (not sure if he used his body or...
  3. WoWvsNaruto

    [Theory] bringing back the best

    hookay soo, flame me if you want. Im one of many people who want minato to come back and have 1 last epic fight where he just raped like 5 elite bad guys. or 5000. somthing epic. and Im going the distance in making this thread. but im looking for some serious theorys on how he could come back...
  4. WoWvsNaruto

    [Spoilers] what kages would you rather see fighting together?

    so I'm looking at the 5 kages right now. and right when they all got together I thought, to my self. man this group could be alot cooler but then I thought well I could only really see these 5 getting together. who would you rather see standing side by side?
  5. WoWvsNaruto

    [Theory] [Official] Tobi is still Madara!

    I use to beleive Tobi was Obito but then I got my head out of my ass didnt mean to offical this. cuz its not rlly offical sorry. If somone allready made an post about this. sorry. read at your own risk sorry for english and i will correct after some more research When Madara(madara) came out...
  6. WoWvsNaruto

    [Discussion] Rasengan

    Super resengan Rasengan Barrage Hope Resengan Stupidannoyingnarutoneedsanewmove Resengan Risen shuriken Resengan Tosh.0 Resengan tailed beast resengan Newmovetimenaruto? Resengan Turnintothe9tailswhenyourmadorneedpower Resengan anyone get the point yet? cuz i can keep going... for ever
  7. WoWvsNaruto

    2 weeks.. for that?

    anyone else dissapointed?
  8. WoWvsNaruto

    [Theory] 10 tails

    Madara has the chakra of all 9 of the tails. He has a leg from the 8tails as Raikage said (sasuke captured it), and the kin gin brothers, the one is the pot transformed into the 9tails mode (only had 8tails at the time) and he allready had all the other tails...
  9. WoWvsNaruto

    [Theory] Legacy, Sakura's death?

    Sakura = Tsunade Sasuke = orochimaru = Mandara Naruto = Jaraiya = Hashirama 1st hokage Does anyone else see Kishi resiting history and implying t he diagram above This bringing me to the conclusion that sakuras gunna die before sasuke and naruto fight. Naruto vs Sasuke is gunna be the final...
  10. WoWvsNaruto

    [Spoilers] Hair

    So what I have noticed is everyone in Naruto/Naruto shippuden, soo all the way through growing up, their hair NEVER changes, its always the same unless it shows it being cut. Like sakura when she faught ino the the chunin exam, and Sarutobi(3rd hokage's) hair changes because he ages but those...
  11. WoWvsNaruto

    [Predictions] who wants to predict the future with me?

    okay so I think everyone has been noticing Kishimoto shows signs in manga for us to kinda put the pieces of the puzzle together and predict what might happen later in the series. I saw some signs in the OVA clip but that is not Manga, but i will count video clips that you guys have if you see...
  12. WoWvsNaruto

    [Theory] Spoiler: End of the war. Ova prediction?

    Okay Please watch this video so you don't be Spoiled by the end of this thread So in this video, which is aparently the next naruto series. and just a teaser, Naruto and sasuke are fighting. and the fight is not very entense at all...
  13. WoWvsNaruto


    ???????????? what is this exactly.
  14. WoWvsNaruto

    Broken Screen

    soo i got hammered one night and accedently broke my laptop screen just cracked it and now it got bigger, what is the fastest and cheepest way to fix it? i got it from staples. but they ****ed me over and its not covered for warranty. im guessing it will be around 300$ to fix. its acer and was...
  15. WoWvsNaruto

    The White Fang of the leaf

    he was hyped to be one of the great legends of the leaf. now we have no seen him yet. dead or alive, or anything really that he achieved. Despite when we see him talking to kakashi when he was killed. (episode 175) Will he be revived could he be? i feel like we need to see more of him i cant...
  16. WoWvsNaruto

    Anyone getting stupid adds none stop?

    i can watch any anime... adds just keep popping up ****
  17. WoWvsNaruto

    [Theory] no one has pointed this out yet.

    look at these to, theres a similar post literally right below this one, but im still gunna do this.. cuz im a troll GOLDEN FLASH? and it says the body flicker technique right under the manga. that was one of his fathes teleporting techniques...
  18. WoWvsNaruto

    Naruto MMO

    **I KNOW THIS THREAD IS ALSO ON THE 'NARUTO DISCUSSION' Forum, But no one is ever on that Forum really, Just wanted to see what the 'Manga Naruto' forum thought** I wonder if any ideas have come up about making a Naruto mmo? heres mine Factions can be Countrys, and the villages inside the...
  19. WoWvsNaruto

    Naruto MMO

    I wonder if any ideas have come up about making a Naruto mmo? heres mine Factions can be Countrys, and the villages inside the country could be races, and then the clans inside the villages could be the classes, each class could have different racial advantages differred from the other class...
  20. WoWvsNaruto

    [Discussion] Minato Namikaze

    Minato Namikaze, Yondaime, 4th hokage, "yellow flash of the leaf" The thing I'm trying to discuss by this post, is how amazing this shinobi was. Reasons: -According to those who knew him, Minato was a very talented ninja, having been considered a rare genius that appeared only once a...