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  1. clone101

    question on the whole minato being summoned

    I am kinda confused by this whole thing. we all say that minato can not be summoned because he was sealed, but during the chunnin exams when oro invaded. oro summoned the 1st 2nd and 4th hokages. only reason y the 4th didnt show up was because the 3rd stopped it. so y is it that oro can summon...
  2. clone101

    i dont understand

    Alright the thing I don't get is why itachi Is carrying nagato.. they weren't in any fight does this mean that nagato can't move around on his own and if what good is he in battle? Is he gonna reconnect with gedo mazo thing? Because if not hew has the eye powers but can't really defend himself...
  3. clone101

    question on minato cell

    i was just rereading the older chapters. i was thinking about who could have been on minatos cell growing up.. we all know that he was trained by jariya . no was he trained one on one like with naruto or did he have teammates. also was kushina part of the team. im thinking she was because how...
  4. clone101

    where is he?

    Anyone have a idea on where konohamaru and his cell are? I know his friends werent shown that much but konoamaru is one of the few who took out one of the pains by himself. Is he fighting in the war or is he being left out?
  5. clone101

    is tobi really an uchia

    alright this is kinda out there... we all have been thinking that tobi is madara...until kabuto showed up and freaked him out by summoning someone who i beleive is the real madara which means he is dead and tobi isnt him like he has said... can tobi actually not b an uchia at all... yes he has...
  6. clone101

    hey every one

    hey everyone... just found this site it is awesome.. thanks