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  1. zeroishero

    Difference in Kakashis kamui and Obitos kamui

    I have seen many idiots in narutobase since i entered. When i got a chance to enter here, i really found how stupid they really are. They think that obitos kamui and kakahis kamui are same but they prefer to use it differently. Meaning that obito can use long range kamui but doesnt use because...
  2. zeroishero

    Hi! your new nb friend.

    Hi. I am kakashi fan. I would like to make kakashi fan friends. and others too. Lets hope we get along. My other favs: Orochimaru Danzo Kisame Gai
  3. zeroishero

    Whats your view on current Kakashi vs Itachi!

    I mean current kakashi (full health) with part 2 beginning episode(exactly beginning). I think kakahsi wins what do u think