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  1. Sharingans Eagle

    Madara's unveiling secret!?

    Hi guys! So I'm here to tell you some of my theories about the final fight of Madara, and Hashirama the 1st. I read through the Manga to see how he was able to survive through that stunning kill finish by Hashirama. So lets look below on what I recently found on based off the info I researched...
  2. Sharingans Eagle

    THe real death's

    So I was watching Nauto Shippuden and read the manga ( some parts ) again. Then I glanced at a couple of parts which may catch your attention soon: THESE ARE *SPOILERS* PLEASE DO NOT LOOK IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM :) 1) In the Manga before Neji dies, for a couple of moments in breathe Neji said "...
  3. Sharingans Eagle


    First off, I'm glad to say that I'm proud of joining this website, it will be much fun to actually have people to fanboy to, or help within anime that they cannot understand. I've been using this site for alongtime,I just never got the idea of making an account.