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  1. FuChomei

    Earthbound coming for the WiiU

    Anyone else excited for this? :flirty:
  2. FuChomei

    MrCreepyPasta This is one of my favorites, do you have a favorite of your own?
  3. FuChomei

    [Discussion] Forcing beliefs

    Why is it that people wish to force their own beliefs onto another? Be it religiously, regarding morale, or just being choices of daily things. Why would someone that is religious care so much about someone who is without religion? Why is it that "You're going to burn in hell!" a normal response...
  4. FuChomei

    Tenten & Temari vs Hinata, Hanabi, and Ino

    The fight begins with each fighter 30m apart, intent to kill and no restrictions. Battling area is a flat land made up of bed rock.
  5. FuChomei

    {SPOILERS} The Walking Dead's most shocking deaths.

    What death of a character was the most shocking/disgusting for you? My most shocking would be Sophia. If you saw any as tragic then i'd say that Andrea's death hit me where it hurts.
  6. FuChomei

    [Discussion] Baby experiment

    I found this on Tumblr and thought that it was very interesting. [IMG][IMG] Some interesting info: This is very reminiscent of the Baby X experiments, in which it was discovered that people reacted...
  7. FuChomei

    Another important message.

  8. FuChomei

    You need this penguin

  9. FuChomei

    [Discussion] The Sims

    Did any of you ever play the sims? I was addicted to it (almost as much as I am addicted to Final Fantasy.) My favorite thing was to make a family last generations, that or to just torture the little bastards.
  10. FuChomei

    [Debate] Feminism, LGBT rights, and abortion.

    This is a weird post in that I'd like to address an issue I've encountered with ALLOT of girls and guys. Whenever I ask them about feminism they automatically say "I want equal rights, but i'm not a feminists." Or when I ask about gay marriage some people have said "I want gays to have equal...
  11. FuChomei

    Any Final Fantasy lovers here?

    I'm addicted >< I love to talk about it as well. I've beaten 1,2,3,5,6,8,9,and 10. 3 being the most recent.
  12. FuChomei

    Tsunade vs Sakura

    I'm not sure if this was already asked in the thread. Nothing to bar them of power, they are at full strength, but no medical ninjutsu may be used during the battle.
  13. FuChomei

    Young Tenten vs Karin?

    No holds barred, who do you think would win this fight? (This is my first so i'm not too sure how to word this. . .) I generally think that Tenten would come out the victor.
  14. FuChomei

    Hello there

    Hi o-o . . . well this is nice isn't it?