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  1. KnobGobbler

    Manga is beyond saving

    So you're saying that the Juubi was a tree this whole time, human don't naturally have chakra, the sage managed to live until he was an adult despite the most powerful entity in existence was hunting him and his mother, the entire thing of sage/beast chakra is already abandoned, AND the tree is...
  2. KnobGobbler

    Sakura's "New Power" explained.

    Researched the manga for a couple of hours to make this. Such a complicated technique.
  3. KnobGobbler

    Kishi is really rustling my jimmies

    Am I the only one that has noticed Kishi has been pulling a lot of "Oh, by the way" moments? Seriously. I drew the line last chapter. Sakura has been saving up for this technique for three years, yet never ONCE is it implied. She never makes a reference to it, there's never a subtle nod to it...