Search results

  1. Dark Prince

    2 cute saiyan

  2. Dark Prince

    sasuke hair vs kakashi hair

    whose hair is awesome....
  3. Dark Prince

    hinata & sakura

    who iz beautiful hanata or sakura
  4. Dark Prince

    can sasuke def???

    will sasuke be able to defeat naruto without sharingun........ guess :shrug::shrug:
  5. Dark Prince

    itachi ^_O in the dark!

  6. Dark Prince

    [Approved] Ichigo! O_<

    Ichigo Don't get confused between my personality & my attitude. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are! Basic Information: Name: Ichigo Kurosaki Nickname: Devil's Rebirth Age: 15 Gender: Clan: Looks: Ichigo looks like a normal teenage boy; the one exception to...
  7. Dark Prince

    greatest hokage??

    who deserve to be the greatest hokage Any 1 whom u like from naruto anime...
  8. Dark Prince

    Tobi a good boy???

    Do u think that tobi is a good boy?:shrug::hint:WTH
  9. Dark Prince

    naruto and sasuke vs orochimaru,itachi and kabuto

    who will win???
  10. Dark Prince

    about Izanami

    Is Izanami greater or smaller than Izanaki??
  11. Dark Prince

    naruto def by tobi?

    if naruto got defeated by tobi then will tobi be able to control 9 tale???
  12. Dark Prince

    I m new!

    Hey guys i m new here...SO,hope u guys help me around here!:scorps:WTH